1. Who can understand economic oppression without the benefit of a solid education? Who can know how to see opportunity in the absence of an educational curriculum that shapes a lop-sided professional?
2. How can the quality of education, differing across America, lead to different individual outcomes for people?
3. Is it possible that not all education is of the same quality, leading towards the same purpose, and that their are advantageous gains for students in elite, private schools, as compared to inner city public schools?
4. What are powerful, positive actions that can accelerate the social and economic realities of an American citizenry, wherein all are afforded the finest educational supports needed to fully access the opportunities?
5. How would the raising of outspoken, critically-minded citizens be deemed beneficial to society?
6. Should we not have more citizens in tune, in participation, and in conversation regarding how the country moves forward?
The whole person must be taught to be as independent as possible, that they may have skills sufficient to not simply be professionals in one field, but have wherewithal to shift, integrate and create a number of opportunities for themselves. Parameters such as the social-economic conditions of the surrounding community of a school, class sizes, teacher training and teacher salary, as well as the clear purpose of the instructional curriculum all lead to different end goals for students.
As of late, the educational mantra across the United States of America is to teach science, technology, engineering, and mathematics. These four subjects are all left brain thinking, with art, music, and physical education playing eternal catch up, with the exception of dedicated schools here and there within public and private school systems that mainly focus on the arts. We must teach the whole individual though, not simply their left brain hemisphere, across the country through our mainstream public schools.
Creating professionals that are great employees does not make for a robust economy that can be dynamic, but a continuation of economic system that is largely led by those fortunate enough to have attained to the best schooling. We must change that. Creating art and music ARE very important right brain hemisphere activities that bring about respite to people’s hearts and minds, yet these are left to those who can afford it.
Entrepreneurship and political science BOTH favor creative, individual thought and are very much community-focused in their regard for self and others. The teaching of both would invariably lead to social entrepreneurship, but these are top-shelf educational subjects not given the value that the ‘STEM’ subjects enjoy. Educational curriculums cannot obtusely focus on science, technology, engineering, and mathematics, but on those four subjects AND:
Entrepreneurship and political science BOTH favor creative, individual thought and are very much community-focused in their regard for self and others. The teaching of both would invariably lead to social entrepreneurship, but these are top-shelf educational subjects not given the value that the ‘STEM’ subjects enjoy. Educational curriculums cannot obtusely focus on science, technology, engineering, and mathematics, but on those four subjects AND:
- entrepreneurship
- political science
- music
- art
- physical education
These five subjects listed are not to supplant science, technology, engineering, and math, but to compliment them as equal subjects. Those educational environments that understand the value of teaching the whole person will create the best leaders, and the rest will work for them. Our current social-economic American system of society is not being steered correctly because we are accustomed to living in the moment. Discourse on the enhancement of education on a national level is largely not had, or it is not adequately given the best points of reference, in order to have the better conversation.
Political science is incredibly important. It is not simply the study of history and social theory, but the study of what makes a society, how it is created, what can downgrade it, how different forces influence it, how it interacts with other societies, how government works within themselves, with other governments on the local and international level, how individuals relate to their government, how they can be positive transformers of it, all this is political science. It is not the study of how to be a politician; it is the sharpening of a intuitive understanding of community and all the interrelationships that make it happen. It is a study that leads to an understanding of the scaffolding and framework of the systems we live in, and such knowledge is power.
With such full knowledge that extends beyond being professionals in the field of science, technology, engineering, and mathematics, we awaken a renaissance mindset on an individual level. From this platform, people become more dynamic in how they operate as professionals and citizens of the American republic. Music is a language. Art is a perspective. Entrepreneurship is a lifestyle, a mindset. Political science is an observation and a reflection that can lead towards informed action. These undervalued subjects of study develop thinking skills, writing, speaking, and new ways of addressing problems.
We need to make people be smarter.
1. Develop critical thinkers, less their very hearts and minds be enslaved to every whim and desire laid before them, enticing their time, their focus, and altogether,…. their purpose.
2. Develop critical thinkers who exercise the outspoken thoughtfulness needful in the American republic that is one nation under God, and you gently raise up a nation from the sides of the earth that is not merely content with making a living, but making a living that is connected to make living better for others.
3. Raise up new generations of community participators, versed, not in in the purpose of exchanging intellectual duel, but in the thoughtful, focus of building community, and of building individuals.
4. Raise up a new standard in the deliverance of an honest education, ingrain it with the valuing and practice of public speaking and of analytical writing, place the understanding of how society is formed, how it is impacted, how it is downtrodden, and how it us uplifted, and we raise up a mindful citizenry that is increasingly, non-tribal, non-political, and a champion of human rights.
Can such a change be made? Perhaps it may be too late for many who are set in their ways. In the time of Moses, God basically only allowed those aged twenty and under to enter the ‘promised land.’ None of the original people, except Caleb, Joshua, their families and the family of Moses set foot in that land of Canaan. It may be so that some people are simply not going to change, nor have the economic and social opportunity to do so anymore. But we can still teach non-tribal, non-agenda, non-political critical thinking to each new generation of human being, and this can change society in ten to twenty years. Suddenly, the conscious mindfulness of a very alert citizenship would be raising questions, thoughts and discussion on a scale never before experienced across America.
