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Showing posts from June, 2018

The War For America is Through Our Heart & Mind ā€“ #criticalthinkers #education #technology #theFreedomPapers

How and why can the practice of critical thinking and public speaking instruction turn the tables on the quality of men and women we are producing in America? Is it not evident that inner city public school systems in the United States skew towards racial segregation?  Are we looking to increase and maintain local and national economy, or should we be interested in developing objective, critical thinkers who are also professionals? Does the singular focus on teaching science, technology, math, and engineering in the American public school system create a professional labor force of followers? The valuing and shaping of individuals who employ critical thinking as an academic focus equal to science, technology, engineering, and mathematics may never happen in America. It would be downright dangerous to the established political power order to have citizens de-tribalizing from the current culture system ā€˜modus operandiā€™ and becoming a nation of free-thinkers. If you...

The Regeneration of Women in American Society: Has It Been Co-Opted? / #criticalthinkers #humanrights

updated 4:36 pm 6/24/18 (2100 words, 6 minute read) Conviction to start new journeys is needed to motor over and beyond self-doubt and a heart brought to a lull through the travails of life; of dreams believed to be perished. Courage to fire up the heart and soul is needful to defy complacency that settles in. Courage that refuses quiet submission to time; to not rocking the boat; to not doing leaving off doing great ā€˜life work,ā€™ and courage to surrendering to a mindset that welcomes endless grey clouds and naysayers that say, ā€˜it is over.ā€™ Such an inward action requires critical, thoughtful introspection. Critical thinkers can arrive on the scene from anywhere. We are, in our best moments, the protectors and creators of freedom and liberty. An education in the academic sense is not as necessary as a willingness to grow oneā€™s critical thinking instincts, including the power of observation, reflection, and expression. To think critically then, is not a negative connotation, but ...

Patriots on Peculiar Battlefields / #criticalthinkers #politicalscience #teachers #parents #business #theFreedomPapers

Fine Tuning Our Dynamic Democracy  As individuals who are part of families, and in a larger sense, the local and national community, we are taught the value of bettering ourselves, learning from our mistakes, making amends, and improving ourselves. Ideally, we grow wiser, gain greater understanding and insight becoming better individuals over timeā€¦ideally at least.  Our interactions with our family, friends, colleagues and the greater community can and do (if we listen intently), give us constructive feedback which can serve to help us fine tune ourselves and our relationships. This process requires executive function machination, and active internal focus on our internal growth and development. Again, ideally, we learn and improve. That which is of most value to us can easily be ā€˜perceptually downgradedā€™ for that which is enticing, ā€˜new,ā€™ and quickly gratifying. This happens an untold number of times a day through the  presence of the technology and th...