It has begun to appear quite clearly that a long-standing battle for the hearts and minds of American citizens has been operating under the surface of Main Street America for decades. On one side, it appears that a neoliberal, or globalist perspective of the world seeks a steady drip-drop pace to undermine individual human rights in favor of the ideologies of a few powerful entities, such as the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, the international consortium of human abortion corporations, social-progressive American entertainment / news media, and what is known as the Bilderberg Group, a conglomerate of the worlds most powerful actors on the world stage.

Their ideologies, philosophies and perspectives on population management deserve to exist, yet their methods of collusion through subliminal and subtle indoctrination delves straight into a kind of massive thievery focused on the management of people, their minds and the hearts. They do this by controlling all social media and television news media outlets. They do this by controlling the flow and rise of content, its distribution through the information outlets of entertainment, music, literature, elected public office and education. Their grasp and hold make them the gatekeepers of information and therein cultural movement and its growth. They operate within and without government, they are the ‘deep state,’ and their power exceeds anything the human intellect can readily comprehend. In fact, to battle them on an individual level is futile and would spell the ostracizing of such individuals from the ability to create financial income, or be a respected member of community. Their power is near absolute.

On the other side of the battle… are the children of God; the offscouring of the world; a remnant filled with Grace; men and women with divine fire….

When critical thinking intellectual discourse becomes undervalued, running second in favor of an all-encompassing view that frequently uses technological craft to subjugate the possible rise of individual power challenging reigning mainstream social thought, human rights fall, and humanity suffers. National sovereignty, as is individual sovereignty, loses out in favor of non-elected powers that need not answer to the people of a country. Within these parameters, even the greatest nation on Earth, with all of its founding principles, becomes shuttered in favor of a designed future wherein non-elected elitist powers play a dominant role in the management of people.
The love of God does not wane
It endures
The Spirit of God emboldens
making vessels stand upright
If I speak the truth, have I now become your enemy?