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Showing posts from April, 2018

One Nation Under God / #education #family #civicduty #newera #theFreedomPapers

The backbone of the United States of America is made up of interlocking parts, needful of being identified and protected, strengthened and cherished. The traditional family unit is one of these spinal parts, as are patriotic men and women whom value and invest heart, mind and body towards the protection of American freedoms and liberties. Both of these, the family and those who are upholders of the principles of true freedom and liberty, we would think, have no real present threats. After all, one need only look down most Main Streets in middle-class to affluent American towns to find the same picture repeated over and over again, like a Norman Rockwell painting that never loses its varnish. Dads, Moms and their kids can be seen out in the community sport fields, cafƩs, sidewalks and parks in timeless motion year after year in what seems to be relative paradise. Their is peace through strength. Police officer men and women, firefighters, and paramedics patrol ceaselessly in servi...

Donā€™t Just Be Another Brick In The Wall; #positivedisruption #education #theFreedomPapers

updated 10:04 est 4/24/18 Is it not so that we are surrounded with constant distraction? Like trains brought onto their tracks daily, our minds experience the movement on the tracks of our daily lives, chugging along swiftly with a sense of productivity, of doing, of living, working, studying, accomplishing and moving ā€˜ever upward.ā€™ But whoā€™s dreams are our dreams? Is it possible that the tracks of life on which we move were created by others long before, according to standard systems that support the present economy and reflect the educational upbringing fully synchronized to maintaining a status quo? What if thoughā€¦ what if, the standard system of economy we have maintains a status quo were a great many people within such a framework find it unattainable to make the kind of financial security needed to simply not always be working to live?  Can our work be our dream? Can we empower ourselves to make new dreams? Can an individual become a powerhouse of positive disr...

The Ballast Of The Ship / #theFreedomPapers #government #faith #God

ā€œGet ye out of the way,  turn aside out of the path,  cause the Holy One of Israel to cease from before us.ā€ Isaiah 30:11 Is multiculturalism a breakaway and/ or politically correct replacement of Judeo-Christian founding principles of government in the United States of America? Can we be a pluralistic nation that retains the Abrahamic God in the center? Are the ideas of the representatives in the Continental Congressā€™s outdated and needing to be modernized, or do they continue to be the distilled conclusion of much deliberation on how the colonies in North America were to begin to self-govern themselves?   In the social-political light of what was at the time, an English king whom was inflexible, perhaps not advised well, and deaf to even the admonishment of members of his own Parliament, did the American delegates in these first two Congresses do the honest, selfless, critical thinking required to bring sound judgement, excellent public discourse, ...

Releasing the Negative Anchors / #theFreedomPapers #education

Understandably, every individual will have different view points on local, national, and global issues. In the United States of America, differences found therein between those affiliated with the Democratic and Republican political parties can and are addressed cordially in the forum of our U.S. Congress. Through measures of time speaking allotments given to congressional house representatives and senators, we afford space to each other to broach the pressing topics of the day. Our congressional leaders sit and listen to one another following parameters of conversation that follow prescribes rules of engagement. These leaders discuss how to move forward on a variety of issues, and ultimately write bills, or law-binding legislation which shapes the governmental process and affects the entire population of the country. What kind of educational priorities are required to shape and create courteous, public orators who can think critically, be mindful of how they say what they sa...

This Time Next Year, or We Will Address It At A Later Time / #patriots #criticalthinkers #Zuckerberg #theFreedomPapers #politics

Last night, a king of the worldā€™s most widely used social media network, Facebookā€™s Mark Zuckerberg, was brought before United States senators to answer questions on the improper use and manipulation of intelligence gathering of individuals who have signed up to use its social service with the intent to maliciously use such information to gain national political advantage, even perhaps, help attain the highest elected seat in the country, the Presidency. Apparently, the tycoon directed his company to craftily create an individual background database fromā€¦ its individual background database of people to mine the information, through the employment of algorithms as a political strategy to target its users, and sell, lend or give this information to leftist, or social-progressive political campaigns. It is alleged that people were targeted, censored, and had their basic privacy violated as the social media network did as it pleased in complete collusion, acquiescence and knowledg...

Hindering The Rise of Critically Thinking Patriots / Strengthening the Rise of Critically Thinking Patriots / #theFreedomPapers #USA #education

Critical thinkers, anchored in the original foundation of the American spirit of liberty and justice, can arrive on the scene from anywhere. We are, in our best moments, the protectors and creators of freedom and liberty. The rise of non-tribal, critical thinkers is the subject of much anticipation amongst established political forces with leftist inclinations. Meeting them before they are born, an intricate system of    soft oppression based on special interests, lays the groundwork that steers, molds, channels, and re-directs human thinking and aspirations for those fortunate enough to escape human abortion from the womb. What is more, an array of injections carrying heavy metals and brain-damaging, carcinogenic ingredients, are given to American citizens which slow down brain function, and debilitate a humanā€™s neurological prowess causing us to lose the ability to speak, move, write a sentence, or in the most extreme, yet altogether common, the loss of critically thi...

Immigration & Sovereignty in the United States of America / #criticalthinkers #democracy #empathy #socialresponsibility #positivedisruption

In a round table discussion with American citizens from Chile, Puerto Rico, Colombia, and Mexico, and me, being born in California to caucasian parents of Anglo-Saxon and Cuban descent, and a father to my children whoā€™s mother is of Guatemalan and Central American heritage, I seeked to bring the conversation towards the dire democratic need to bring greater gravity and intellectual responsibility to local and national discourse on immigration into the United States of America. Everyone brought forth their view points and we were all in accord throughout the talk. Below is a capsule of the sentiment and feeling shared by all involved in the conversation. ā€¦ā€¦ā€¦ā€¦ā€¦.. Allowing the entrance of sixteen million Central Americans during the Obama presidency was an act of compassion, as much as it was a political move to change the demography of America. Surely, these sixteen million immigrants will find a path to citizenship, grow families, and within fifty years, triple in size, crea...