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Showing posts from January, 2018

Let Freedom Ring: The Rise of the Critical Thinker / #theFreedomPapers #politics #edchat #USA

A clinical teacher is both entrepreneurial and ā€˜doctor-likeā€™ in mindset. They are like engineers of instruction, melding the hospitality of creating atmospheres with the sensitivity of heart surgeons. Seeking to change and improve their teaching approach is part of an organic process, as they collect constructive feedback from those taught. Their professional sagacity is not in identifying the best instructional manner, but in morphing according to the necessities of the students, like water taking the shape of its enclosure. So it is, a clinical teacher prioritizes the mindfulness of ā€˜listeningā€™ to words, actions, and feelings, as much as environmental factors such as, student ambiance, teaching location, acoustics, number of learners, and the size of the teaching space, which regulate the teaching/ learning experience. ..................... Taking preliminary parameters into account, a clinical teacher moves between levels, ascertaining constant ā€˜systems checkā€™ on the t...

Critical Thinkers Place Country Over Politics / #immigration #USA #education #criticalthinkers

A political scientist does not have a physical lab and a white coat with safety glasses on as they aggregate informational flows, sifting through information, unearthing tangible ideas and opinions, analyzing these and the conclusions thereof they arrive to, but they are on the cusp of practicing informed, independent, open-mined critical thinking. Their focus is on an understanding of the interaction of weak and powerful systems, organizations and entities, political movement flows, local, national and global culture dynamics, and the relationships between governments and the people that constitute these. What has happened in Germany? Unrestrained international compassion, as it would be, has overrun a nationā€™s capacity to bring the new culture into the pace of assimilation. The political strategy of purchasing the loyalty of an immigrant bloc can turn into a cultural Trojan Horse with unforeseen circumstances and loose ends, as the national security situation has shown to b...

Just Breathe: Take 2 / #movementtherapy #storydancing #NYC #art #dance #therapy

Just Breathe: Take 2 / #movementtherapy #storydancing #NYC #art #dance #therapy In this re-edit, I splice my work together to make a brand new creation. Movement therapy changes the story in your bones and muscles and has the ability to positively disrupt how you think and feel, even bringing healing to our emotional well-being. People who have experienced trauma and constant deep stress benefit greatly, as do individuals with severe special needs. (Filmed in Central Park, Manhattan.)

The Family Meal / #savingAmerica #family #USA

A few essential activities during the day keep the a crucial thread in the United States of America, and the world for that matter, together. The family dinner, in my childhood, was a time where we could see Dad and Mom relate to one another and these two share time with my siblings and I. It was like a book end to the day, which in retrospect, was better than a ā€˜night cap.ā€™ After saying ā€˜grace,ā€™ in giving thanks to God, something we would take turns in leading the family in, the food would be passed around and instead of immediately eating, though that was allowed, everyone would calmly put forth of their dayā€™s happenings. Mom and Dad would ask each of us, calling us by name, ā€œhow was you day? We would comment on teachers, assessments, things planned for the future in school or talk about what we wanted to do for the weekend. Where one child would speak, soon enough the rest would chime in on the heels of their talking. Momentary silence would elapse from my parents as we all a...

The New Yorker / #art #music #storydancing #movementtherapy #selfexpression #NYC

State of The Union / January 2018 #USA #socialresponsibility #humanrights #economy #education #empathiccapitalism #positivedisruption

Decade after decade, the framing of the priorities of most importance in the United States of America appear to be staggered by the special interests of the campaigning patrons of congressional and presidential leadership. Such vital interests as the economy, health care and security, are three very prescient local and national matters which should be of great concern to all of us, and have remained so. Great successes over the last 12 months in these areas cannot be ignored and must be brought to light. The people and government that make the United States of America have in many respects grown stronger, become more mindful on the local, national and global level and begun to participate more in the movement of choosing the direction in which to continue to steer the country.  As of January 2018, the economy appears to have rebounded with a tremendous growth in credible job employment across the nation and a stock market that has added over 7,000 points since President Dona...

The Power of Caring, the Precursor Stage to Growth & Development / #education #growthmindset #love #community #family

Not all of us have the same opportunities for educational growth. Not all schools are made the same, and not all home lives have the same developmental supports. This greatly affects how we see ourselves and our place in the community. A child or adolescent hailing from a home life where the father does not raise and instruct risks becoming a child being prepared for failure. We may not all have the same educational backgrounds and receive the same kind of quality education, yet the familial support systems we have have the power to ā€˜uprightā€™ our vessels. Unfortunately though, parents whom do not care enough exist. I have seen it. Children are left to raise themselves up. Unless they are given another model to learn from, children living in homes where indifference is prevalent are at risk of repeating the same mindset and action patterns as their parents. These situations tend to formulate more in families with limited educational attainment and sparse extended-family support...