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Showing posts from December, 2017

ā€œā€¦and David danced before the Lord with all his might..ā€ 2 Samuel 6:14a / #HonoringGod 12/24/17 #God #JesusChrist #poem #remembrance #servantleaders

He does not faint, nor does he weary. His Word does not wane, but shines brighter and brighter to his coming day. I said in retreat, ā€œLord, look what has become of it?!ā€ He pointed me back to all He said. Searching Him, I found Him seeking me. I thought to myself, what is it to be a Christian? Paul said it is a profession, Lila said it was not enough to be a Christian, but to go forth and be an active Christian. Your words became as in the time of Daniel. Inside of me I have kept them. Sharing that which is sweeter than honey and the honeycomb with my children If there be any hope, please Lord, that they may love your Word; that it may guide their heart and mind. ā€¦ā€¦ā€¦ā€¦ā€¦ā€¦ā€¦ā€¦ā€¦ā€¦ā€¦ā€¦. Before he graced us as the express image of God, the Lord Jesus Christ was the delight of His Father, and the apple of His eye. He became a little lower than the host of angels, a created host of ministering spirits sent to minister on Him and His children. Daniel ask...

#Interview / The Extraordinary Response of Ordinary People / #heroes #911 #neverforget #servantleadership #firstresponders

The World Trade Center, Manhattan 9/11/01 Being a hero has nothing to do with the way you look, and everything to do with the kind of person you are, during extraordinary circumstances. Seemingly ordinary people operating in extraordinary ways suddenly change. They became unmistakably different, even resolute in focus, as if on a mission.  Their are untold stories circulating around the tragedy that took place on September 11, in 2001. That most well-known stories are those of the fire fighters rushing up the stairs of the World Trade Center towers looking to get people out of the building, many of these fire fighters got trapped inside as they did their job. Paramedics and all kinds of official first responders placed their health in harms way as they rushed towards the disaster. Airborne debris-filled the air, and at the time of the chaos to help the injured, it was not known if the attacks would continue. Going forth into situations, predicaments and untenable envir...

On Fire* #movementtherapy #mentalhealth #therapy

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ā€˜Hello Brother, hello sisterā€™ / #Israel #Palestine #Jerusalem #politicalscience #positivedisruption

Recently, the President of the United States of America formally acknowledged Jerusalem as the capital of Israel. It was a decision mainly met with contention from leaders in the Islamic world, and good tidings from Israel itself. Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, and the Jewish-state, staunch allies of the American government with deep cultural ties with the American Judeo-Christian culture, have marked the occasion of American recognition of Jerusalem with a joy that has been long in anticipation. In this essay, I briefly expand on the human rights component of the contending issue between Palestine and Israel, and on a wider lens, the use of Palestine by internal and external powers as a proxy to militarily fight the Jewish homeland, destabilize the safety of the region, and in effect create an uneasy status quo of constant existential threats. This middle-eastern city has historically been a staging ground of battle for thousands of years between Jewish, Chr...

Targeting Income Inequality with #EmpathicCapitalism / #business #SocEnt #economy #WallStreet #parents #teachers

Despite the incredible growth of the American stock market, ā€˜trickle-down economicsā€™ remains a misleading assumption that somehow the gains of the capitalist system will reach people who do not participate in it. It is true, the United States is the most capitalistic nation in the world, and our free market principle supplies our economy with the most unrestrained money-making mechanism clear across the planet. Yet, this is a tale of two cities. One in which capitalists endeavor and hustle; in which self-employed business men and women work towards creating work, creating income and creating opportunity, and one in which the rest of the people work for these, indirectly appreciating the gains of the economic creators. Yes, it happens to be that as capitalistic endeavors scale, employees indirectly benefit from the growth of the company, albeit, in a more limited way than the actual founder and or leader of the company. Now, in order to think like a capitalist, work as on...

#EmpathicCapitalism: A Construct of #Parents & #Educators / #edchat #SocEnt #business

Rome was not built in a day, but it was built with methodical planning over time. The inner cities housing project architecture of the United States though, appear to have been created with no architectural passion. What does the building tell the young child who lives there? What can be done to change this paradigm? These hideous mega apartment constructs seem to be places to pack animals, stacking them ever so high or across large swaths of bleak landscape. One need only to look at Americaā€™s urban city centers to see the teeming mass of people stocked into the prison-like blocks to recognize how our humanity has staggered in its progress. The eloquence of city politicians who pledge to fight for the voiceless begins to sound grating under the decades of nothing happening to change these hellish residences. It is quite obvious that a great concentration of black people on or near the poverty line and largely dependent on welfare live in these. As I think back to when th...

Electric Jump Start / #movementtherapy #art #education #NYC

Electric Jump Start / #movementtherapy #art #education #NYC

A Vision for A New Era of Empathy in America / #humanrights #leadership #womensrights #criticalthinking #socialresponsibility

A Vision for A New Era of Empathy in America Posted by  COACHBILL007   on   DECEMBER 4, 2017 EDIT Children and adults who grow up in a society were life is wholeheartedly valued would benefit from a new social compact. The changing of culture from base and immoral, towards greater degrees of respect, decency and valuing of human dignity is needful. I see a land where women are treated with respect and esteemed for their intellects. I see a land where men live according to the highest ideals God intended for them. I see a land were women are reverenced and built up to be critical thinking leaders, more so than they are now, and I see a land were boys and girls are taught to respect how life is formed and cared for from the moment of conception to the moment of age-old death. A people who no longer kill themselves at the moment of their formation are a people who begin to think about everything else in their life differently, even how they govern each oth...