- Through what means is a community best built?
- Where can the societal ingredients be found that can serve as the foundational bedrock for a nation as large as the United States of America?
- Through what means is a community best built?
- Where can the societal ingredients be found that can
- serve as the foundational bedrock for a nation as large as the United States of America?
- How do we move forward to better ourselves as a collective whole and still hearken to perfecting values that have upheld this American quilt for over two hundred and fifty years?
- Why do we apparently continue to have a union of American states after so much civil turmoil has beset us since the foundation of our country?
- Can America become stronger even as internal forces are poised to rip us apart?
I learned Einstein’s scientific formula from my high school math teacher that force equals mass times the speed of acceleration. This theory can be somewhat extrapolated beyond its originals application in physics. In the daily practice of sound values and principals for living, an individual creates a real force of good, which collectively, can uphold a local community’s social health. It has become very clear though, that certain traits, characteristics and values have to be practiced more so than ever before. The positive, gentle force of love and kindness has to be doubly strengthened. We need to love more than ever in healthy, unique ways that send rays of warmth across our communities. At the same time that individual freedom must be protected, the role of the family as an emotional support system and the role of ‘the village,’ or cohesion of families and individuals in towns and cities has to take a strident turn into being innovative with how it doles out empathy.
It seems that a great place to start is with our children at home, in our schools, and through our clubs, organizations, institutions and sports teams. It is clear that not every heart and mind can be reached, and not everyone cares enough about the social health of the local community to do their part to keep it vibrant. Is this growing apathy a symptom of a culture that promotes dehumanization? Trivializing human life, how we take care of ourselves and others, and dismissing our care for the land we live on does something to our perspective. The energy force we cultivate does have an impact on those around us and together, we literally maintain the status quo of the ‘village.’ To illustrate this, Margaret Sanger, the eugenics founder of abortion practices in the United States of America went on record calling for the destruction of black people and latinos. One hundred and one years after the formation of her organization, abortion centers are found in black and latino neighborhoods, as well as low-income communities. They are never, ever found in wealthy, affluent neighborhoods. The message that has been expressed is that some lives matter less than others, and this is a dehumanizing double-standard on the sanctity of life. Coupled with the rise of the ‘entertainment industry’ and the ’24-news cycle,’ abortion becomes commonplace and our consciousness is assuaged (seared) through the trickery of attentional distraction.

The people are led to not think critically or be independently-minded. In place of this, our informational output systems are open to manipulation (television, newsprint, radio and entertainment) and herd or bundle people’s minds and hearts like cattle, according to strong political forces, which in turn, are founded by special interests looking to maintain their existence.
The abortion industry giant, Planned Parenthood, for instance, uses large portions of the $500,000,000 in federal money given out and approved by legislators in congress to fund the political campaigns…. of legislators in congress, and even the executive office of the presidency. This reality maintains dehumanization as a value in the land, propagating the double-standard that not all lives are important. The mental health impacts on a country as a whole that allows itself to be dehumanized leads to individuals being raised in a culture of haphazard apathy, even in the midst of community members who care and bring their energy to strengthen the health of their community. Loving more than ever has to include changing how we in-form our children. Critical thinking matters. Values and principles that have held the United States of America together can scarcely be saved, practiced and fought for if we look to indoctrinate people to follow blindly.
Someone who followed Hillary Clinton said to me the other day, “I know you’re a Trump supporter.” Damn right. But I don’t follow the President blindly. He is for defending human rights from the moment of conception. He has a son on the autism spectrum and recognizes that vaccines, as formulated, are statistically connected with dramatic increases in neurological impairment. Neurological impairment hinders critical thinking and self-expression. Killing people in the womb impacts our mental and emotional health. The historical targeting of black people, latinos and low-income communities creates a national perspective that it is okay to discard human life in the lie that it is for women’s rights. I voted for Donald Trump, not just because the man knows how to run businesses, but because he is the only President since Abraham Lincoln that has taken such a stance on the human rights of all Americans.
We need more people to have the courage to put their hearts and minds forward towards caring for one another. This is how our American quilt is strengthened. Right now, it is torn. Right now, this American quilt is being pulled apart by a system of dehumanization that needs to be stopped. Love. It is love that strengthens family, that strengthens community and strengthens the nation. We need people willing to lead through service unto others, rather than look only to better their own station in life. Our nation has managed to keep its integrity due to the collective gentle, loving force of social good. Our nation has also managed to be at the brink of losing all integrity due to the growth of dehumanization principles creating a force of indifference towards others.
Caring about others has to be taught early in life, and we can safeguard the mental health of our communities in service to one another. Abortion needs to be made illegal in the land. Every year, over 300,000 American original citizens are killed like this. Our educational system cannot sweep this truth away as it supposedly teaches students to be critical thinkers. Our communities cannot act as if this is nothing, or as if it is a practice in freedom and liberty to do so. We belong to God. We are his children. We are made in His image. No one can own another person. Parents care for their children and do not own them. The Federal Government does not have any right to create a law that gives a woman permission to kill a child in the womb. This is at the heart of the mental health of our community and not being able to address it properly discounts are ability to think critically and independently. It discounts are ability and quality of love toward one another and sets the stage for a breakdown of society, starting with the breakdown of the family.