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Showing posts from November, 2017

Don't Keep Calm and Carry On / #criticalthinking #parenting #teachers

Do we so easily sacrifice our morality at the altar of entertainment?  What does it profit us as a community if our children practice immorality as they develop their minds? In America, it is accepted that our children can revel blindly in the crossroads of adrenaline, liberty and an immorality unheard of even twenty years ago.  How does empathy die? How is empathyā€™s development stunted? How do our smart children go wayward with their ā€˜teeth set on edge?ā€™ In an era mass shootings can we separate what and how we invest our energy and fathom not that our investments bear fruit into and that which becomes our society? The number one selling video game of all time has reportedly made over a billion dollars in its first day of sales, and in its latest installment, the graphic circumstances of mayhem unrestricted are released with such visual technicolor and geographic exactitude as never seen before. Though it has been in circulation for almost twenty years, ...

Clinical Teachers: Armies of One / #edchat #criticalthinking #education

I t is not the responsibility of empty vessels to create the motivation to learn, but rather, the prerogative to teach, the very responsibility of it, must be entrusted to the teacher. It can be so, that according to a childā€™s social-economic status, an affluent upbringing can be infused with a ā€˜comfort spaceā€™ of human development not generally experienced in the life of the child who hails from a low-income community.  This juxtaposition in the human development and daily experiences of the affluent child and the child who lives at or near the poverty line bring a different array of positive and negative forces which impact their general well-being. As these two general sets of children age, the difference becomes more contrasted and is clearly evident at the time both reach middle school years. One need only look at children who receive private schooling as opposed to those who receive public school education in low-income neighborhoods. A child who attends private scho...

The Golden Rule & The Duty of Critical Thinkers / #socialresponsibility #edchat #TeamUSA

updated 2:24 pm est 11/10/17 The idea of cultivating critical thinkers is easily a lofty ideal purported to be achieved throughout academia and espoused as the hallmark of journalistic integrity.  Achieving the critical thinking mind requires a certain bravery, wherein, once our ability to tap into our own knowledge of content matter is done, we must require it upon ourself to contrast our assessment and infer from an ā€˜outsidersā€™ point of view what is true and right and what is inaccurate and, even possibly, the propagandization of a special interest. . For the critical thinker, the affinity to discern is attached to our decision to look at the hard truth and favor this over our viewpoints, our political inclinations, and our stance on any given subject. This is hard to do. . In the following essay, I ask what exercise in democracy is achieved if political forces practice varying levels of indoctrination, in effect swaying public interest towards their ā€˜camp,ā€™ rather...

#ServantLeadership and #CriticalThinking Saves Our Countryā€™s Health / #edchat #TeamUSA

Through what means is a community best built? Where can the societal ingredients be found that can serve as the foundational bedrock for a nation as large as the United States of America? Through what means is a community best built? Where can the societal ingredients be found that can serve as the foundational bedrock for a nation as large as the United States of America? How do we move forward to better ourselves as a collective whole and still hearken to perfecting values that have upheld this American quilt for over two hundred and fifty years? Why do we apparently continue to have a union of American states after so much civil turmoil has beset us since the foundation of our country? Can America become stronger even as internal forces are poised to rip us apart? I learned Einsteinā€™s scientific formula from my high school math teacher that force equals mass times the speed of acceleration. This theory can be somewhat extrapolated beyond its originals application in ph...