After the election of President Trump in 2017, I thought of the integrity in being a part of the solution to bring America together again. An idealistic notion it is to dream that this was possible in the current environment. It is not. With the Democrats focused on obstructionism and resistance, the active use of propaganda through means of media and entertainment, all in unison with the objective of seeking a coupe on the Presidency is evident. It is evident as well, that they cannot be brought into the fold as it is. The people, like a stormy sea, seem to be whipped up into a froth with calls to stop and impede the forward momentum of the executive, legislative and judicial branches of government. As it stands, the story on Russian collusion that was created and attempted to be placed on the President has flipped and landed squarely on the leaders of the Democratic Party, singling out a former Secretary of State and First Lady, the FBI and even, charismatic former President Barack Obama. In what amounts to treason, twenty percent of the United States supply of uranium was sold to a Russian firm in exchange for millions of dollars that were channeled to the failed Presidential campaign of Hillary Rodham Clinton.
A Process of Awakening
Who is foolish enough to think that a pro-life government can walk shoulder to shoulder with a political party that is funded and supported by an outside organization focused on a eugenics program of population control? A eugenics program that targets minorities and people of low-income.
- What middle ground can be found with a political party bent on constant trickery, subtlety and slight of hand?
- What true consensus can be had between a people who want to end the atrocity of the thousands of baby human deaths every week on American soil, a genocide of the children of God (we are made in the image of God)? There can be no agreement with a spoiled child who persists in acting with vehemence, disrespect and akin to subvert the finality of the electoral college’s decision, and the forward momentum of the country.
- What healing can happen like this? I say none, but a steady drive to a separation of the nation’s political union.
The princes of the land, our legislators in the U.S. Congress, have altogether gone backwards. The eugenics industry IS the cancer of the nationwith its practice of receiving half a billion dollars in federal funding that is channelled towards a financial-political-cultural eugenics system that slaughters people in a violent way, making Hitler’s final solution pale in comparison, if not extend and realize its dream. This same money received is also used to fund the political campaigns of individuals who then get elected to vote in favor of maintaining the eugenics industry intact and functioning. The Supreme Court looks away, congressional princes look away, former President’s look away. The people themselves are lulled by waves of information informing them that it is the practice of liberty and freedom to kill the defenseless…. and they, under strong delusion, believe it. They believe that the slaughter is a right of the woman carrying the child and disregard the human right of the child in the womb. This process of dehumanization has been historically stamped to proceed on waves of information aimed at distracting the critical thinking of an American populace, in effect searing their consciousness from youth through the undertaking of cultural education that frames human reproduction in a skewed light, with the ends that the fully-formed American adult is brainwashed into thinking that abortion is liberty. That using forceps and vacuums in a woman’s vaginal area with the intent of breaking human tissue, cutting it up and sucking it out of the womb, clawing it out of the womb… that all this is freedom and liberty. That it should be funded. That a political ‘litmus test,’ as avowed public figure leader of the eugenics movement, Hillary Rodham Clinton has stated, be placed on any aspiring or current Democratic Party political leader who desires governmental office on the local or national level.
This is sacrilege and a cancer on the United States of America. A nation founded on the Word of God, like it or not. It is this foundation that has allowed the growth of the real freedoms and liberties we enjoy and mostly do not exercise. The entire process of governance and culture has been taken over in a coup by this eugenics industry then. President Trump himself has called out established news information media as ‘fake,’ wholly devoted in overt and covert local and national tactics to continue the control of minds and hearts away from critically thinking. Instead, the people are treated as children. Mainstream media and its sister branch, the entertainment industry are two cohorts, playing a tag team of inform and distract, inform and distract in a repetitive endless loop every twenty four hours. The rise of celebrity is coupled with the use of identity politics by this leftist, progressive socialist apparatus as a means of backstopping critical thinking. Pseudo-Intellectuals are presented to us in the televised and written news, complete with prestigious educational and professional backgrounds to help us discern what is happening, yet in the end they devalue themselves and are also devalued by the system they plead allegiance to. It is all one intricate web of lies, subterfuge and disinformation.
It is then not outside the realm of understanding to the independent, critically thinking mind to realize the largeness of this big lie. That the nation is and has been under constant, internal attack through the process of disinformation, sensationalism, censorship and legalized murder. We are lulled away from this reality every time we decide to not act to right the wrong, to not practice our citizenship and become the powerful, unique voices we can be. Not individuals who raise their voice to perpetrate the continuance of this big delusion, but individuals who think for themselves, break political party lines and intellectually fight to stop the slaughter of baby humans, and who intellectually fight to stop the corruptness of the financial-political-cultural eugenics system.