There is no understanding in a darkened vessel. It is reduced to smart matter self-interested in its own self, in its survival, its earthy endeavors, all that it sees, thinks and feels with its senses. Love, in its highest form releases itself from such darkness surreptitiously, stealth-like. Imperceptibly, such a vessel discerns not the moment of love’s release.
Apathy & Empathy
at what point, it could not be told
waves of apathy rushed into the void
rising crescendos of craftiness clouded inner sight
afar off, Love in its perpetual glory looked on
a darkened vessel all that remained
a human without course,
a ship without a tiller
a heart without light to see the way
Does God not test us? Is he not in the midst of all his children? Is he in the distance somewhere in deep space looking on, far removed from the details of people’s lives? Is God not the essence of love and among us at all times? Does he not judge the cause of man, woman and child?
I say this is bull shit. We are eight months into a presidency, and a congress that has done nothing substantive on the issue that has led to concrete action to stop the physical and spiritual atrocity committed on Americans on a daily basis from sun up to sun down. The loss of 900 human lives each day should not have to wait and cannot wait for the right political climate for the Presidents of the United States or the supposedly ‘pro-life’ congress to have the guts to take action. The ones’s taking the lead have been individual states and their governors, and not the President, senators or representatives in Washington D.C. My loyalty is not to a political leader, but to God, the true king of kings, and I must fight the good fight towards the protection of human rights starting from the moment of conception. This is love.
I will not tarry for you, Mr. President. Already over 240,000 lives have been snuffed out this year. You’re political survival is not worth all these lives. The economy of the United States is not worth all these lives. I can see that you want to make America strong again, but your priorities are in the wrong order and I question your true motives and passion on ending abortion. What I do see is you making deals. I don’t see you leading at all in this, nor any member of congress aside from occasionally waving the flag that you are all pro-life from time to time.
Lord, where are the mighty men and women? It seems none of us are in elected office in our capital. Do the right thing today, not next year, not four months before your term has ended. It begins by ending Planned Parenthood. Not just a one-year defund of the biggest eugenics corporation in the world. No law that takes away the constitutional basic right of life from an American citizen in the womb should be upheld. This is how my first born was killed without my consent. I raced to stop the killing and arrived 90 minutes too late. From now on, you will have to earn my loyalty again, Mr. President and I will speak to the moral base of America and urge them to turn on you, to chastise you and pressure you to come back into the light again. This is how I can be your holding you to your word so that you do not keep faltering.