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Showing posts from May, 2017

Poem For The Fallen and For Those Who Serve US / #servantleaders @usarmedforces #poetry

The tombstones all look the same though they are inscribed each with a different name. There are millions of them across the land, some well-kept, some leaning, grey and forgotten. The mass of them seems to become to much to respectfully comprehend, yet each of the earthly graves holds long dead and dry bones which once walked. Each was a sacrifice, each was special.  Each had a mother each had a father a brother, perhaps a sister a grandfather, a grandmother Each had teachers, perhaps a preacher too. Some where married, some where too young to know love But they did have love Their love was the greatest love that could be given That of giving oneā€™s life for another So says my Lordā€¦ Each held their stance Each took a stand of love Each forsook their own liberty Inscripted into an armed force They fought for ours In the rain, in the darkness in the loneliness of the watch In the pain of war In the silence of the night In the c...

The American Presidency, Media Collusion and Political Maneuvers by a Former President

sometimes the words are tooā€¦ the poems that need to be said are not written the movements are made to the music instead sometimes the truth isā€¦ the movements are made to the music instead the story is released like the sun releases starry mass the press of your subtle persecution bores me your ways are predictable, your patterns expected ā€¦ā€¦ā€¦ā€¦ā€¦ā€¦ā€¦ā€¦ā€¦ā€¦ā€¦ā€¦ The American Presidency,  Media Collusion and Political Maneuvers by Former Presidents  I was going to let him do as he wanted. But then he upstaged our countryā€™s political protocol and etiquette in a pointed attack on the sitting President of the United States of America. What he did with his presence was more substantive than what he actually said. Former President Barack H. Obama appeared in Berlin along with Chancellor Angela Merkel in front of thousands of beaming fans in his usual ā€˜cool and charismaticā€™ way nonchalantly talking of ā€˜this and thatā€™ as the actual President ...

A Discussion on the State of the Union at Scalzi Skate Park / #socialentrepreneurship #socialchange

A pessimist approached me in conversation yesterday. He said to me, ā€œfor two years, you have been talking about bringing people together at the skatepark and nothing has happened. He continued, ā€œI look around and nothing has changed. There is no one here and no one knows about what you do.ā€ I sat and waited for him to finish. He was not done. ā€œSkateboarding is not about bringing people together. ā€˜Scooter kidsā€™ come in and take over with no respect. The students you bring in are not skaters, they have nothing to do with skateboarding. To them, skateboarding is a fun thing they do at a scheduled hour. They are not ā€˜thrashers.ā€™ You failed Bill and you the true skaters do not even show up at the park anymore. Bringing in  ā€˜special needs peopleā€™ to skateboard is dangerous too. This is not a place for them. They should not be allowed to skateboard here. In here, it is possible to die. The ā€˜special needs kidsā€™ will never be true skateboarders. It is not right what you have d...

The Freedom Essays: Everyone Matters / #positivedisruption #socialresponsibility #servantleadership #edchat

"The eyes of your understanding being enlightened; that ye may know what is the hope of his calling, and what the riches of the glory of his inheritance in the saints, And what is the exceeding greatness of his power to us-ward who believe, according to the working of his mighty power-" Ephesians KJV 1:18-19 updated 5/25/17 9:08 am When I story dance, I do so purposefully. I do so meditatively. I enter not into thoughts of self-observation, but with a readiness to connect movement, heart, spirit and mind all in one motion. At times, I close and open my eyes with a focus on my spatial surroundings.  With eyes open I see the dance with eyes closed I become the dance With eyes open I see you seeing me With eyes closed I just am The dancing started at an early age. Growing up in Puerto Rico, it was almost a prerequisite to move to music. Music and dance is a cornerstone of culture on the island. I would listen to the salsa and merengue on the ra...

The Freedom Essays: We The People must Be Critical Thinkers / #socialchange #positivedisruption #USA

Sadly, the forces of special interests have overtaken our democracy. These are pacts of corporations, organizations and individuals who have figured out that lots of money can purchase power, such as political positions in government. Our own elected leaders only are because they have been able to surf such waves of money into office. They themselves are constructs of such pacts and beholden to their benefactors, as if they themselves are political operatives doing the bidding of such entities. In such a way democracy ceases and oligarchies rule in America. These pacts permeate the Democratic and Republican parties raising and throwing down political leaders through their various purchased outlets, including the biggest construct, the special interest conquest of the media. So it is that nothing is said freely and objectively, but is tightly controlled information disbursed under the close watch of nothing less than ā€˜overlordsā€™ whom ensure that the special interest pact mess...

Honoring Jack / @JackNicholsonHQ #legends #art #film #thisAmericanQuilt

ā€œWell, Iā€™m not going to sit here and pretend that I havenā€™t been a rogue most of my life.ā€ -Jack Nicholson The professor had as view various classic films spanning the twentieth century. I was thrilled that we could watch movies in class, much more, great movies like ā€˜Easy Rider,ā€™ starring Peter Fonda, Dennis Hopper and Jack Nicholson. Great work by the director and actors, but Nicholson took the prize. He portrayed his character as an outsider who seemed out of sorts with the time and culture he lived in, yet remarkably secure in his own skin. Such has been a part of the legacy of legendary American actor, Jack Nicholson. His work across sixty decades are a tremendous tour de force for the American culture and the world itself.  I honor Mr. Nicholson today in this essay for his contribution to our culture and collective sense of self. To those who have appreciated his work, he holds a place within us that can be easily reached. Mr. Nicholson did not go into...

My Interview with Philipe Newlin / #skateboarding #executiveFUNction, #growthmindset #NYC #fathers #legacy

Mr. Newlin's son on Mount Rainier, Dad took photo A while back I was fortunate to pin down an incredible Dad, Philippe Newlin. He has constantly transitioned and transformed himself across his life and I wanted to share a segment of his life, as well as his thoughts on skateboarding with the public. In and of itself, skateboarding helps us practice important life skills, which can be extrapolated across our life far away from the Olympic sport of skateboarding. Mr. Newlinā€™s story is quite interesting in that he has steadfastly kept up his mental prowess over the years, catapulting from one endeavor to another without skipping a beat.  Soft skills (which are ā€˜abstractā€™ life skills, like humility, perseverance, grit, tenacity) and cognitive executive function skills flexed in his youth on the streets of Manhattan seem to not have lost their mental-muscle power over the years. Mr. Newlin, manages a wine importing business in the United States for a family-owned compa...