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Showing posts from March, 2017

Meditation on Being a Socially Responsible Positive Disruptor / #America #USA #redwhiteandblue

Creating a mission with a goal that moves you from the inside out is the first step in launching an endeavor. After that, having the wherewithal to move on multiple fronts daily doing small and big actions, including caring for your physical, emotional, mental and spiritual health is key to keeping you firing on all cylinders over the long-run. In this essay I include some pointers on what to look out for as well as perspectives which can be taken into account as you go forth. The exploration of how to maneuver amongst commercial and political forces of influence on the  local, national and international level are addressed, as is the mindset needed to power through over time. To begin with, as you continue to plow forward in a worthwhile endeavor of a political nature, you will find that the attention of many will begin to be directed to you. Many of these, will in some form or fashion, work in concert with different political organizations looking to maintain and mov...

Social Entrepreneurial-Mentoring Proposal to the Bridgeport Correctional Center / #TeamUSA

March 3, 2017 Coach Bill Social Entrepreneur & Special Educator Life Skills Corp. CoachBill.US Chaplain of Bridgeport Correctional Center, Bridgeport, Ct. Re: Social Entrepreneurial-Mentoring Proposal to the Bridgeport Correctional Center Dear Chaplain, I hope this letter finds you well. I am writing to propose a two-step program for the inmates at your correctional center. My goal is multi-pronged and involves lowering recidivism rates of male citizens through bringing awareness and vision of how inmates can go about self-empowering their position in the community. My program would have two phases and would require the establishment and deepening of relationships between the inmates so that I can best understand them on an individual level, step into their shoes, and together, plot out a way forward for them. ā€˜Real-worldā€™ life skills that are often not recognized, such as grit, honesty, humility and leadership can be identified and rein...

The Importance of Reaching Out / #specialneeds #community #thisAmericanQuilt #socialdevelopment #minecraft

updated 9:00 pm 3/23/17 A great concern of parents with children who have special needs is the social integration of their children into the community. Most times, those with Downs Syndrome and on the autism spectrum experience social isolation. With autism, the more severe the condition is the greater obstacles exist for social developmental experiences to occur. Social isolationism becomes even sharper as time elapses and the children become adolescents and finally reach adulthood.  How can the community and special needs parents bridge the social divide of typical children and those with special needs? Is it needful to let things be and accept that the task is too monumental to overcome? I put forth the ā€˜MindCraft strategyā€™ as a guiding light that may get community to come together empathically for the good of all.  Send Them on Missions It does not have to be a big orchestration, rather a continuous set of experiences that teach real-world life skill...

Fearlessness, Love & Inspiration Keeps Freedom Alive / #thisAmericanQuilt #USA

ā€œā€¦so my spirit remaineth among you: fear ye not.ā€ Haggai 2:5b What is it to have no fear? To walk without fear can be an act of foolishness if we are ignorant to the realities that surround us, as much as it can be a breakthrough in the exercise of freedom if we walk fearless with full knowledge of all that is before us. Knowing the truths that make up life as we know it can be a daunting experience. Quite easily we are able to slip away from acknowledging the truth of the matter through different escape outlets. Television is one of these.  We can move into ways of living and of thinking which are well-trodden by others. (Bear with me as I bring out this thought to you.) Rhetoric and perspectives that are old, tired philosophies which we wear as ragged clothes keep us from living to our fullest extent with our hearts on our sleeves. Seldom does an individual create new moves and new paths in thinking and doing outside the normal range of culture, thereby b...

Silver Screen #ServantLeaders / Ode to Charlie #thisAmericanQuilt #art #cinema

Charlie Chaplin, filming the 1925 classic, 'The Gold Rush' From the beginning, it was meant to be a form of ā€˜releaseā€™ for the people. Charlie Chaplinā€™s 1925 film, ā€˜The Gold Rush,ā€™ became a timeless film etching itself into the American conscious as it weaved a well-known story of an impoverished ā€˜underdogā€™ who is without guile, yet valiant and clever. Chaplinā€™s Little Tramp goes out to seek gold in the time of the Alaskan gold rush and finds himself in a far-flung cabin between a gold prospector and a fugitive from the law. Throughout the story in the silent film Chaplinā€™s character faces starvation as he deals, evades and one-ups the prospector and fugitive with their own agendas who will stop at nothing, even if it means possibly eating Chaplinā€™s character. In the end, Chaplinā€™s Little Tramp wins through default almost without trying, and as usual, without losing his composure. The film delivers a classic storyline that puts forth the championing of the ā€˜un...

Servant Leader Heroes of The Heart / #thisAmericanQuilt #theSIlverScreen #TeamUSA #positivedisruption

In April I go to release the ashes of my late-father with my sisters. Dad was my hero. He passed away at the turning of midnight from 2014 into 2015. Though he was eighty two, his loss was devastating for me. I was tethered to my father. He was my prayer buddy, my counselor and an ever-present force in my life, even after I moved thousands of miles away at the onset of college in Boston. Our connection was a constant one. We thought the same and there was fluidity between us. Many a times we would remark to each other on our extra sensory perception of each other. We would call each other up with something to say and it would be the same thing and we would say to one another, ā€œI was just about to call you to talk to you about that.ā€ To this day I look into his eyes and can here him say, ā€œSon, I love you and I am proud of you. Go getā€™em!ā€ Dad was magnanimous in the life of his children. He would wake up every morning like a machine at 5:30 to do his exercises. The dude (and I) wo...

Individual Advocacy, Political Activism & the Cause of #Liberty / #USA #CivicDuty #BrothersKeeper #PositiveDisruption

As children in America we are raised to believe that we live in a democracy where each voice counts and that the liberties we enjoy are the fruit of a self-aware, outspoken and well-informed people. We are taught that liberty is not free, but has been fought for through all kinds of wars. We are taught that our vote counts and that we can be just about anything we want to be when we grow up. The reality is much different when idealism starts pushing at the hem of reality. There, in that place where ideas begin to manifest themselves into actual reality we begin to experience turbulence from other forces. In this essay, I explore the notion of individual advocacy, political activism and how political forces practice systemic underpinning of individual expression in our country. Further, I question the practicality of subjugating and undermining individual democratic activity as a means to continuously establish the political status quo of a larger group, such as our two majo...