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Showing posts from December, 2016

The Washington Originals

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The Washington Originals, An American Microcosm / #brotherskeeper #socialresponsibility

The Real Santa Clause Can Be Found In The Water / #socialresponsibility #executiveFUNction @surfershealing

There are countless souls across the country and the earth itself who bring hope through action to others. It is because of these spirited minds that others are also emboldened to follow suit and continue to spread a chain of love far from the original catalyst of positive change. Is it not then that life becomes immeasurably more rich when we softly enter into each others lives by serving one another? There is a man and his family who is active in such a manner. He and his band travel the world spreading goodness, hope, joy, laughter and a deep faith that there is altruistic love out there and that it is seeking to enter into as many hearts as possible. This man is Izzy Pascowitz and his band is called Surfers Healing. Those who know of them can attest to the tremendous gift of time, energy and the monumentally relentless drive Izzy and his merry band of surfers and volunteers bring to the life of individuals on the autism spectrum and with intellectual disabilities, such a...

Finding Love in the Most Unlikely Places / #MerryChristmas & #HappyHanukkah

Merry Christmas and Happy Hannukah to all across America. Today’s essay is simple and affords a glimpse into my operations as a private Special Educator to a student of mine whom I call #theCowboy and #DearLeader. I have worked with him for a bit over seven years. He likes to ride horses and communicate with statements and declarations. ………………….. December 24th, 2016, about 1400 hours (Zulu time) New Canaan, Connecticut I was on the job with #theCowboy as we walked into a saloon called Tony’s Deli. #TheCowboy opened the door and established his presence, letting it be known to all present that he was interested in a buffalo chicken wrap. Being headstrong, he would not be deterred and made it clear throughout the New Canaan saloon that he was there. I hovered over him as his coach, though he makes me feel like I am the Secret Service to Kim Jong-Un, the North Korean leader. #theCowboy is a lad who knows what he wants and when he wants it.  We sat down b...

We Are Not Enemies, But Friends / @israel @epiclypaslestined @un @whitehouse

Palestinian skateboarders message Israel A mindset of living side by side in peace. Should we keep fighting world without end? Tit for tat, around and around we go The youth skateboard here and there They keep moving forward They waste no time in ideological positions The bombs, they do burst The communities, they do become destroyed Tranquility settles in for a while the rumble of skateboards begins again In such soft ways  does liberty and freedom take hold, move and grow In such manner is the life of people reborn ……………………. The United Nations, in essence, can be a place where countries communicate with each other on a diplomatic, global level.  How do different peoples practice living side by side with each other when their political views are in stark opposition?  What are the actual available neutral venues for such people coming together in a peaceable way? It is a silly thing, skateboarding. A quiet sport...

In God Our Spirits Become Unstoppable / #socialresponsibility #positivedisruption #saveAmerica

Set ups, frame ups, hidden agendas arrive my way. I rise up and laugh them off. You can’t stop me. I will continue to attack apathy. The world is small and flat. Prepare for intellectual and spiritual war. Throw me anywhere, I spring back. My spirit is unquenchable. “But if any man love God, the same is known by him.” 1 Corinthians 8:3 Love is not just a soft feather.  Love is long-suffering, willing to endure onslaught and wrath. Love is magnanimous and unstoppable, fierce.  Love is the man and woman who says I shall not fade away from the sea of apathy before me. Can I live in peace with my neighbors and also fight the gross apathy of the American heart? Can I fight the evil that is abortion and maiming of human brains with unsafe vaccine practices and still walk at peace on the streets of the land? Can I bring my heart to the fore and all my drive to quash this apathy and destroyer of all that is the United States of America...

Things That Matter / Two Poems & a Reflection

Things That Matter Clean running rivers matter Music that calms the heart matters Parents who adore their children matter Finding time for good laughter and dancing matters. Is it only when we loose everything, or have everything taken away that we begin to appreciate what we had? More than money and things, the people in our lives matter the most. The money can purchase comfort and security, but it can not buy us love and fulfillment. I know this. You know this. My childhood family use to be very wealthy. We had everything. We had an over abundance of money, houses, exotic vacations, the best schools, fast sport cars, nice clothes and money in the bank. But the Lord giveth and He taketh. Who can understand Him? Though he lives in us and dwells in us, his ways are not our ways, his thoughts are not our thoughts. As an adolescent, I had asked Him to make me a Field General in his army. An army that you cannot see with your eyes, but only feel with your...

The Way You Move, The Way You Feel / #selfexpression #coding #storydancing #autism #executiveFUNction

Children, as they grow up in their formative years form a great amount of their understandings of the world based on their experiences as they are processed emotionally and physically. In this essay, I question how the emotional and physical processing influences behavior and movement. Do our experiences influence how we hold our body? Likewise, do our experiences, especially those in our childhood and adolescence influence how we hold our facial muscles? I posit that the ‘processed’ experiences place a signature mark on our whole selves and we live out our lives with this coded information. I also posit that we are able to change, or re-code this information while toning our cognitive-physical health. The way we walk,  The way we hold our face muscles,  the way we talk the way we dance. Their is a physical, emotional code that is created and affirmed and the ability to change that signature mark can be done practically through purposeful,...

John Glenn: 'The Rocket Legend' / #AllAmerican #humble #servantleader #statesman @nasa

We were on the frontier. Everything was uncharted territory. Nothing was certain. We began to push incredible speeds. Where we going? What were we going to do with the technology we were creating? Who would pilot the craft? Life and death hung in the balance each time. “…and to the spirit of just men made perfect..” Hebrews 12:23b John Glenn was a man of quiet composure and reflection with anability to stay calm, cool and collected under great pressure. Rising up through the ranks as a test pilot before moving onto flying rockets, Mr. Glenn became the face of America as it strove in at lightning speed into a new era. The world would never be the same again. A door had been opened and would not be closed. Soon enough, after the successes of John, droves of satellites and future space missions went on the docket. The “space race” moved into a fast sprint and America’s outlook on who it was and where it was going suddenly changed. What was before deemed imposs...

“I read the news today, oh boy!..” / #RememberingJohn #JohnLennon #positivedisruption #socialresponsibiility

A counter-culture firebrand rising up from the basements of hole-in-the-wall bars.  Nothing was guaranteed for him or his rag-tag group of misfits who made jarring music banned by the light of day, but wholly accepted in the recesses of the night by young people wanting a departure from the norms of society. Still revolutionary decades after he arrived on the scene, the music he and his band from Liverpool made tore the sound of music as it was known and rewrote the rules on how life was to rock from henceforth. John Lennon and The Beatles were a very present part of my upbringing. He was killed the year I came into the world. His life was suddenly and abruptly brought to a close. The music would stop playing in one way, though his recordings and that of The Beatles are etched into the fleshy tables of many a hearts. Discovering John Lennon and The Beatles’s ‘rock and roll’ was in itself a declaration of liberty by the listener back in the day as it was f...

Honoring A Veteran / #Dad #fathers #therealdeal #socialresponsibility #TeamUSA #servantleadership

I want to honor my Dad who I last saw last on December 6, 2014. He passed at midnight in the Veterans Hospital of San Juan, Puerto Rico on December 31/ January 1, of 2014/5 at the age of eighty-four. One of the best things I learned from my late-father was the over-arching value of cultivating a champion mindset. It is what we call the ‘growth mindset’ today. Every day was important and he approached it with all the readiness and enthusiasm of every day before. He also valued preparedness. Being prepared. The grandfather to my three children was a veteran of the ‘Screaming Eagles’ Airborne Rangers of the 101st Airborne Division in the U.S. Army. Dad also served in the U.S. Marines and was part of an elite expeditionary force in Korea ahead of the official start of the war. My Dad was an  ‘All-Army’ football player and also padded up for the Rose Bowl. He was there for virtually all my own football games, straight on through high school. He was unstoppable in his ...

Can a #SocEnt Cloud Platform Raise Americas Game? / Increasing The Current of #SocialResponsibility

Steve Jobs Could a company like Apple see the global need to use our imaginations to empower the individual social entrepreneur with practical technology to run their enterprise? Can it warehouse this technology in one place? Time and money are important components to any kind of entrepreneur and bringing in accommodations and modifications to how work is conducted is always entertained. Can a social entrepreneur cloud platform be created to this end? Would industries and individuals see the relevancy in helping generations of people who want to be socially responsible make a living using such a platform to achieve their community goals? Building people up with education so that they can compete for the jobs of tomorrow sounds great, but how about we create the  environment to build people up with education and access to tools that can create the jobs of tomorrow? Does integrating social good with business a creates social entrepreneurship dynamic which ultimately benefi...

#ServantLeaders Simply Serve : A Dance Video / #teachers #police #firefighters #nurses #parents

#ServantLeaders Simply Serve : A Dance Video / #teachers #police #firefighters #nurses #parents Purposeful, meditative dancing expresses a story which we can rewrite starting in our bones, muscles and brain. This 'story dance' is calming, increases our range of motion, helps our vascular system stay nimble & redefines past trauma and deep stress.

#ServantLeaders Simply Serve : A Dance Video / #teachers #police #firefighters #nurses #parents

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The Sun is Set to Rise Again over #LaHabana / #Fidel #violence #culture #vision #legacy #lackOfLiberty

“A vision is best taken on by the culture of a people when it is not forced,” I say to Fidel. In Spanish, they told the two young teenage sisters to take off all their clothes. The two girls refused. A standoff ensued at the Jose Marti International Airport in Cuba.The authorities said they needed to check if they were carrying ‘contraband.’  Their mother and father had looked to get them on a flight out of the country after the new, ruling leadership had ordered these girls and many others to work in the sugar cane fields under the Cuban sun. The girls were adamant in their position and refused to comply. Anything could have happened at that moment. Ultimately, the authorities relented and allowed the young girls to board the flight to American soil.  My maternal grandfather and grand uncle had a thriving law practice in La Habana. Life was good for my family but it came to an abrupt end when Fidel Castro and his band of visionary rebels forcibly took over ...