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Showing posts from November, 2016

The Deal: Aligning Our Perspectives Under One Roof #thisAmericanQuilt #brotherskeeper #servantleadership #TeamUSA #GrowTheGlory

A change in perspective can bring elements across America together under one roof. Is it possible that agreements be reached between conservative and liberal factions? What are the 10 most important priorities that the United States of America needs to work on, in order for it to move forward at a much more accelerated pace? Will greater access to smart education that supports the rise of an social entrepreneurial public education system help bring Wall Street and Main street together?  Can our land ‘heal’ with the practice and government funding of abortion? Will conservative Americans simply stay calm, cool and collected if this practice continues?   In regards to what is known as autism spectrum disorder, protecting life in the womb includes taking all precautions to ensure that the child’s development not  be stunted by carcinogenic ingredients found in unsafe vaccines. How can we align more to God’s commandment to love one another, in s...

Recharge: Skeletal, Muscular & Cranial Systems #executiveFUNction

Recharge: Skeletal, Muscular & Cranial Systems #executiveFUNction Our skeletal, muscular and mental systems tell a story. We can change that story through meditative dance practice.

Recharge: Skeletal, Muscular & Cranial Systems #executiveFUNction

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Beware of the Dogs: Political Intimidation, Media Collusion & #ServantLeadership / #ImStillStanding #TeamUSA

The use of intimidation tactics to bully and sideline outspoken advocates with power to influence on social media was made apparent to me during these last two years. Far from writing an essay on myself, I still must describe what I have been put through as an independent political advocate who voted for Donald Trump. To be clear, I was attracted to various platforms he campaigned on: Safety before profit, in terms of the use of carcinogenic ingredients in vaccines, such as heavy metals which damage fragile developing brains.  His stance on protecting babies in the womb from being violently murdered in the name of liberty and freedom.  The protection of our second amendment in our bill of rights stating “the right of the people to keep and bear arms, shall not be infringed.” His business acumen on a local, national and global level. The fact that he is an outsider and not a seasoned politician. When I publish an article, it goes out on over fifteen di...

Cracking Nuts / Retrain the Brain #Alzheimers #PTSD #Liberty #SpecialNeeds

Cracking Nuts / Retrain the Brain #Alzheimers #PTSD #Liberty #SpecialNeeds

Cracking Nuts / Retrain the Brain #Alzheimers #PTSD #Liberty #SpecialNeeds

Lovingkindness Still Holds Its Stance

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Lovingkindness Still Holds Its Stance / #DanceTherapy #autism #parents #soldiers #seniorcitizens #DownsSyndrome #executivefunction

Lovingkindness Still Holds Its Stance

Lovingkindness Still Holds Its Stance Soldiers, police officers, nurses, medics, autism parents and senior citizens all benefit from the movement of dance therapy. Youth & adults on the autism spectrum, with Downs Syndrome, Intellectual Disabilities also find a communication channel of self-expression.

Rhythm in the Autumn / #downsyndrome #autism #executivefunction #servantleader #TeamUSA

Rhythm in the Autumn

Rhythm in the Autumn Communication and self-expression couple with mental-physical training through dancing. Our vascular systems soften & stretch, our brains physically change shape and our bodies stay nimble and agile.

The Bombing Of Aleppo & "Turn The Radio On, It's Friday Night...Hit The Dance Floor" / #chess #Aleppo #USA #powersthatbe

T heir are levels of power all playing a powerful game of chess. Power, territory, money and spheres of influence are the spoils of war. Large weapons that are technological marvels are used, religion is thrown into the mix, people are pitted against each other, innocent civilians, and entire families pay the price of these games. In school, we are taught how to think and what to think about. In the United States of America, we are taught, or at the very least, we are prodded to be active citizens and exercise democracy, but as we begin to understand the active machinations of how the world actually works, a communication is received to not speak up so much, to not delve so deeply and to stay calm and carry on. After all, the weekend is almost here, “come on, come on, turn the radio on, it’s Friday night and it won’t be long, so hit the dance floor, hit the dance floor!” Or if dancing is not your fancy, watch a sports game, drink a beverage, have a few laughs and the...

Seriously, Just Jazz : #WoundedWarriors #PTSD #servantleaders #mentalhealth #physicaltherapy @wwp

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Seriously, Just Jazz : #WoundedWarriors #PTSD #servantleaders @wwp

Poem in Motion

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Poem in Motion / #dancetherapy #phsyicaltherapy #autism #DownSyndrome #seniorcitizens #storydance #selfexpression

Let Man Be Man, let the Dude be #TheDude / @clinteastwood #fatherhood #manhood #God

“..the glory of children are their fathers.” Proverbs 17:6b Holy Bible KJV Growing up I was a big Clint Eastwood fan. Mr. Eastwood looked just like my late-father and the roles Clint played on the silver screen my own father, in many ways, lived in real life. Dad was a 101st Airborne Ranger, a Screaming Eagle in the U.S. Army. Dad was also a U.S. Marine Corps soldier who went into Korea as part of an elite expeditionary force before the formal start of the war. Dad was the darling of the generals and was the intermediary between them and the rest of the ‘brass’ at the height of his military career. In many ways, though I did not serve in the U.S. Armed Forces, growing up with my father felt like I did. Dad was both tough and loving, disciplined and nurturing to my sisters and I. A man’s man. A dude’s dude. Mr. Eastwood is well-known for his fatherhood and his acting roles as being tougher-than-nails, a champion of justice and righteousness, a protector of America...

The Western Towers

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The Kids Are Watching / #BruceLee #commonsense #idols #junkfood #vaccines #safetybeforeprofit #USA #America #parenting

Would you eat junk food everyday and expect to have a healthy and fit body? Would you introduce heavy metals into your brain and expect to walk away unscathed? Would you listen to ’professionals’ and ‘established’ voices who told you to disregard your own common sense and listen to them tell you that eating junk food and inserting heavy metals into your brain is totally safe and sound? We feed junk into our hearts and minds by listening to musicians play catchy beats with soul-degrading lyrics. We say  ‘yes, please’ with a smile as our doctors tell us that nano-sized heavy metals will not affect our brains and they do not cause brain damage or what is blandly called, autism. The late-Bruce Lee defied incredible odds and was successful in facilitating a shift in the global culture by consistently harvesting a healthy and positive original attitude, a mindset which influenced his life actions. Because of his resoluteness tenacity, Mr. Lee trumped the ‘half-...

Mr. Alex Orr and the Human Spirit / #AllAmerican #grit #USA #America #allthatisright

It was Sunday afternoon. I was driving home down one of Stamford, Connecticut’s homes when I saw an elderly manner working with a sledge hammer next to him, a door step with the floor demolished and a heap of rubble next to him. He had a great job to do and was all on his own. A ladder protruded from the whole he had shattered, broken bricks, a pick axe and ten buckets of debris surrounded him. This was great-grandfather Alex Orr. Father of six children, eight grandchildren and one great-grand child. Mr. Alex Orr, an American of Jamaican-descent, married fifty-seven years and still working hard labor as a mason…a brick-layer…a man comfortable wielding a sledge hammer, clearing rubble and making new foundations.  All I could do was pull my car over step out and get his story. I told him that I like to honor servant leaders. In the most sincere tone I could muster, I asked him for his story. My heart was grabbed and a flurry of life lessons came into clarity for me on ...

The Cause of Liberty / #servantleadership #selfexpression #liberty #freedom #essay

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The Cause of Liberty / #servantleadership #selfexpression #liberty #free...

Action Letter for the @scalzioriginals foundation / a 501c3 entity #skateboarding #servantleadership

Action Letter for the Scalzi Originals Foundation  The creation of the foundation is purposed on the facilitation of positively disrupting educational instruction across the United States of America’s public and private systems, as much as it is an exercise in liberty fomenting  social responsibility through the generating of a culture of servant leadership. To this end, ground level operations began in the summer of 2015 in the U.S. state of Connecticut’s Fairfield County with ground zero being at the city of Stamford’s Scalzi Skate Park. A relatively quiet sport, skateboarding has the ability to sync the brain and body in a constant fluid motion making it an excellent life skills activity for typical folk, but more poignantly, for individuals with special needs. These special needs include Downs Syndrome, Intellectual Disabilities and autism, but also include what is commonly known as attentional and executive function skill deficits. Primary act...

Patriots Takeover / #Exercise #autism #DownsSyndrome #IntellectualDisabilities #SpecialEd #reform #dancetherapy

Patriots Takeover

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