"Practicing kindness and selflessness, you naturally align your life with the integral way."
Lao Tzu, Hua Hu Ching
Moments come and go, seasons change, opportunity flies by. What is all that matters? Is it important for the heart to live in accordance with God's will? When I was fifteen I got on my knees and pleaded with the Lord to make me a Field General in his army. I wanted my life to count for something and understood that I was making a decision to forfeit a life of security and relative comfort in giving myself to the Lord. Now I realize that he has been drawing me to him, rather than me approaching him on my own volition.
In a world where the definition of success appears to be connected to money, my kind of success finds no ground to rest on, save in the eyes of God. In working with typical children and those with special needs, I recognize the value I bring to positively shifting lives. I bring hope, encouragement, enthusiasm, kindness and instructional approaches which I have honed for over a decade. I see the fruit of my work in the lives of others. To me that is a special kind of success.
When I am able to positively disrupt a life, fill its sails till billowing and see a student take off, that is victory. My heart thanks God in such times. Being a continued source of love and happiness in the life of people who count on my presence makes my work worthwhile. Just this week, one of my students told me not to leave at the end of a session. She wanted me to stay longer. That got me like an arrow in my heart of hearts. Moments like those keep me going over the long run. It is nice to be appreciated, especially when one is giving their all. With my life being one constant hustle, moments like that give me temporary respite and make my day. At the end of each day I ask myself how much I have loved. What did I do that made life better for people around me? Did I give it my all today?