The world is filled with 'good enough' results and 'ok' hearts. Having an 'ok' heart is far better than having a troubled heart in constant turmoil and rising above the norm of what is expected simply is not required and not needed, in most cases. In fact, we can do less than spectacular on a daily basis and lead lives with healthy measures of happiness and fulfillment which by average standards are acceptable to ourselves and our communities.

Internal coding can be likened to the mental running dialogue we may have within ourselves as we go about our day. Catching this dialogue and turning the lights on to it can be surprising. We are not this dialogue but it is a figment of imprints on our mind which do simulate and address real ideas, desires, thoughts and feelings we have. When we become consistent meditators, that is, when we consistently practice the quieting of the mind we will notice that this internal dialogue dials down and changes. Our very own thought patterns get altered and our thoughts, feelings and actions are literally calmly forced to change according to the new coding we consistently are feeding it. In the case of a meditator, this coding physically begins to change the brain and begins to re-shape and re-wire how it does what it does for you.
It is not normal to be self-aware of this. Our way of life in western culture is actually primed to not actually favor independent thought. Being an independent thinker makes you different. Being an independent thinker separates you from the pack mentality (which is normal) to remain average. If you have a typical mind, you have it in you at all times to begin to consider how you reinforce the informational code on a daily basis. You have it in you to make a change to better you life one step at a time and move on from 'good enough' to something closer to spectacular.

So it is that the internal and external coding that enters one's life can bolster or trip us up on the road to being self-aware, independent thinkers and doers. It goes hand in hand with having worthwhile goals to serve and empower others. That which is on the inside of us then will end up showing on the outside of us eventually and so it becomes pertinent to be resolute on not just what we eat and put in our tummies, but what we eat and keep in our minds and hearts. Just like healthy eating puts more 'life in your step and adds life to your years,' healthy thinking helps you continue to grow as a person beyond the average of what is good enough.
Mind your thoughts by minding what you listen to and what you allow to harbor within you.
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