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Showing posts from August, 2015

Generalizing How We Overcome Obstacles #edchat #lifeskills #parents #business #Push #ASD #specialneeds

Knowing how to overcome obstacles/challenges on a consistent basis is a life skill metric that is indispensable. Knowing how to keep your calm when it seems disaster strikes is paramount. Teaching to overcome obstacles and challenges in an effective manner and on a consistent basis is of great value. Recently, I was piloting a laser sailboat with a young child off the shore of Marthas Vineyard. We were moving like the wind. Tacking and jiving. Pleasure to sail with Mr. Happy Face. We sailed for a while within a half mile radius amongst moored boats in the bay.  All was going well.  In fact, my student told me that we should take it up a notch and move even faster. This is just what an executive function skills coach and teacher wants. Mr. Happy Faceā€™s engagement and motivation level all on with the task at hand.  At some point, the hull slipped partially out during a jive and the boat capsized sending us into the water.  We uprighted the laser in...