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Showing posts from March, 2015

The Passionate Educator is Unstoppable

Does passion have a place in the learning environment? Can passion surge for long if the salary stays the same regardless? Can intensity be explained? Can intensity be sustained if we are not somehow in the driver's seat or motivated by something that moves our heart and mind? What is left over in the heart and mind of an Educator after they have given their all?  What comes back to them?  Where does the energy emanate from?  When we value people in their work, we pay them well with money. Pats on the back, compliments and gift baskets feel good... but money pays our bills. I think that a passionate Educator is one that is free and feels free to explore, experiment and discover how to best motivate and engage students. The passionate Educator is willing to fail, in order to achieve successful learning outcomes and motivate the students with great energy. It is incredible how fast we can learn subject matter when our engagement is 'full on.' We look at thing...

My Interview w/ #Surfing Legend & #Father #SocialEntrepreneur Mr. @izzypaskowitz / #autism #executivefunction #America #SocialGood

I s it possible to connect one's work with what one loves? What fruit comes when you bring work and play together? How does passion play into the equation if it is mixed with our work? In the heat of the moment, a Father wrestled with how to embark on how to best empower his son. The boy was diagnosed with autism, a condition created almost completely by damaging preservatives found in vaccines that severely damages brain tissue. These preservatives are heavy metals like aluminum and are listed on the CDC's website. There is also strong scientific evidence pointing to other factors that exacerbate the severity of autism in a child, such as bisphenol A, and exposure to modern day environmental pollutants which can be found in the food, water and air. This post is  about what one parent did in response for his son. Its about being positively   and lovingly proactive and not sitting back with his main priority of taking care of his family. This post is about how I...