The Empowered #Educator is a Natural #Entrepreneur #Engineer- #StoryTellingTeaching #education #teaching
‘Teaching is personal,’ sais my colleague from England, Alastair Arnott. Yes, and it is an art form also. What do we do with the limited time and space given us? Batman is actually a make-believe character and is NoT coming to rescue the public educational system…
Why not increase the amount of professional license We give ourselves to create, be entrepreneurially-minded,’ and focus on rapid growth?
In order to do that, many of us Educators have already taken an incredibly powerful step in reaching out to each other by the use of social media tools, like Twitter. We are learning from each other and the potential for our pedagogy is getting better and better as more of us find that the world is not flat, nor round, but an elevator, and we are all in it. Heck, I tweet the President all the time.. any day now he will give me a favorite to one of my tweets mentioning him or my abstract blog post on the executive function skill rigors found in being the President of the United States of America. I know he is getting my tweets.
Hence, (Sun Tzu time) Educators across the twirling globe are able to communicate and InSpirE each other in instant time. They are able to create platforms by having ‘hashtag twitter sessions’ that bring an openness closely simulating the ‘back & forth’ educational discussions happening in education graduate schools across the planet.

My B.A. is in Political Science giving me great authority to write this with confidence.. that on the macro level… on the macro level Educators are on the march like never before. It’s like an army full of Batmen and Batwomen all empowered and all creating and all together changing the face of education… for the better.
‘We the Educators,’ have access to a no cost, social media platform that integrates Big Data tech to literally empower our ability to self express, open source, outflank, lovingly disrupt and becoming growth hacking engineers bent on a new kind of way to teach….
Are we not storytellers then? We are teachers story telling!
Storytelling Teaching is an instructional approach that develops executive function skills, as well as hemispheric synaptic connectivity by using an empathic, entrepreneurial mindset. It is personalized teaching that delivers instruction in a way that motivates the student to attain short and long term goals. It is also teaching through self expression in a personalized manner to the student. This kind of teaching communicates a message that is felt best across time. It should be based on trust, respect, love, and empathic entrepreneurism
Empowerment step for an Educator:
Educators are natural entrepreneurs and need to behave as such. That means you can start by getting a Twitter account and focusing on your content. There is a story that you are telling. We are listening. We are inspiring each other and we are moving with more boldness in our profession.