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Showing posts from April, 2014

Being a Maverick Thinker with Your #ExecutiveFunction Skills

Once we understand what our executive function skills are, we move to streamlining how well we use them, how they show up/ don't show up in our life. As we move through our understanding of how to better manage our ideas, feelings and actions, can their be soft and hard forces which are orchestrated with the focus of instilling in to to act... how to respond? Or is 'man' so free in mind, so independent, and so ahead of these forces that he is not affected, not thwarted in his goals, and not redirected easily? If we are to polish and tone these executive function skills so that we can harness the ability of our mind (a tool) to facilitate successful outcomes for ourselves, should we not start by bringing a critical eye to why we think the way we think? Is this not metacognition, or how we use our thought process to approach the world?  Using systems theory, any system that is accepted into a larger system invariably begins to affect tha...

#ExecutiveFunction Skill Vocabulary Bank

Live E xecutive Function Skills Vocabulary Word Bank focus sustain attention goal-directed persistence prioritizing organization task initiation task execution time management awareness short-term planning ahead long-term planning ahead sequencing pace short-term working memory long-term working memory self-monitor self-regulation self-actualization self-assessment self/ emotional control behavior modulation foresight (anticipate/ predict) metacognition (thinking about your thinking, how you approach world) mental flexibility(shift/transition) mindfulness  problem solving response inh   ibition (impulse control) functional balance study skill tools *are their more? Let me know:)  For more, go to http://www.CoachBill.US Twitter.Com @CoachBill007 Instagram: CoachBill007 Youtube: CoachBill007  

Better #ExecutiveFunction Skills w/ Less Fracking: This Land is Your Land, this Land is my Land

Is the current cost/ benefit ratio of fracking the earth's crust to extract energy in the form of natural gas a much greater cost than the benefits it gives? Is it a benefit or an exorbitant cost to the immediate and long-range health of communities, and lands where such a practice occurs?  Does injecting obscene amounts of chemicals, mixed with water into the earth's crust and its water tables harm the physical health of any child or adult? Can it lead to autism? Can it lead to other neurological disorders, based on exposure? Why is it legal to frack when it is such a counter-productive, and unhealthy way to extract energy, given that we can get way cleaner and cheaper energy from such sources, like waste, algae, the sun, the water, and apparently, electromagnetism?  I hear they are doing nifty energy things over in that CERN place in Europe.  With that kind of energy, why frack, why even use oil?  It just doesn't make sense that the water supply of hundreds of comm...

Integrating Executive Function Skills as a Lifestyle

The development of your child's executive function skills may happen quite naturally given the right conditions, but if you are not well-versed in the language, it can amount to the blind leading the blind. A parent may actually help strengthen their child's executive function skills at a given point, yet a lack of knowledge on what to tone on a consistent basis will often times render splotchy results. Consider the idea that identifying effective metrics guides parents to hit upon key skills thus catapulting the child's skill strength on a whole. Below are some thoughts and activities on how to begin to approach this. My thoughts first... I think it use to be easier to raise kids because kids did not have modern day distractions that literally turned off their ability to self-monitor, be able to sustain their attention, or have goal-directed persistence. In fact, I believe that this is more and more an increasingly challenging balancing act for parents and dire...

Devaluing Life Leads to a 'Throw Away Culture'

In the present age, statistics and data are king. By these, calculated decisions are made  and courses of action are taken. Concepts, such as 'cost benefit' weigh heavily upon final decision making. But when it comes to the cost/ benefit decision making that can impact the very lives of other people to such an extreme that life is lost, is that ethical? In the world of business, is it ethical that someone bear the burden of making the final decision on the cost/ benefit of giving or taking life? Let's say that the decision to take mercury out of vaccines is postponed until 100,000,000 dosages are given out before making a new batch without (but w/ barium, strontium, aluminum, formaldehyde, human tissue, and adyuvants, which are cancer viruses. This way the money spent on the 'tainted vaccines' is not waisted. In this case, though the cost to human life and neurological health has been high, one bozo thought the cost/ benefit would be doable. This actually h...

Prioritizing Family Values Daily in Thought & ActionStrengthens #ExecutiveFunction SKills

Due to the often time hectic schedule family members of different ages have during the 'school/ work' week, a family home may appear like a working village with people coming in and going out. Family life can be reduced to a set of fleeting moments if you over schedule your kids in activities, come home from work late routinely, or are home, but busy. If this is happening in your family dynamic, be on guard. Repeat this enough and kids move on a continuum towards indifference, apathy, and resentment. Nobody wants that. The kid certainly doesn't either. It is true that work has to be done, bills have to be paid, meetings have to be kept, and sometimes we have to work late, yet carving out time in our busy schedules to come together as a family is a metric we cannot afford to do without.   Indifference, and later apathy WITH resentment, settle themselves down in any home that does not exercise the constant foresight in heading off this work/family balancing con...