Initial Executive Function Skills Parent-Inspection Metrics Sheet
A Standard pathway to reinforce Planning Ahead
w/ Time Management Tools & Strategies by @CoachBill007
Metric #1
If a 'to do list' with the EF parameters is expected today, then let's see it!
the list must have all EF parameters filled out.
past 'to do lists,' present, and future one's must all be found in a single binder, folder, notebook, ect. We cannot have 'to do list' sheets in multiple locations. This is material organization.
Was the 'to do list' done over the course of the day, or was everything jotted down from memory onto the list after school?
Can the 'to do list' parameters be integrated onto the present daily planner, rather than having a sheet filled out?
Metric #2
Is the calendar being filled out according to the parameters below on a consistent basis?
Evidence of this can clearly be seen if the calendar is constantly being filled out, week after week, in a systematic fashion.
Are their start times (st's) for each task on the calendar?
Are their time estimates (et's) for each task on the calendar?
What will specifically be studied? What mini-part of the essay will be worked on today? What sections will be reviewed from the text book?
The calendar needs to reflect this specificity. Writing that their will be studying done for History class is no good. Instead, you must be able to see a chunking out of all the sections of the history test prepping over many days.
Let your child pick how much they think they need to study. Emphasize that you just are interested in knowing their plans. It puts you at ease.
What study skill tool is being used?
Is the study skill tool sheet taped on their desk wall in their room?
Mention and give small rewards for completion of all this week after week.
Metric #3
On the calendar, where is the evidence of frontloading? That is where one tends to chunk out or sequence study prepping or essay working earlier, rather than later when the test or essay is expected.
Leaving things to the last moment creates issues in the home environment. This is anathema to frontloading. This leads to 'cramming,' fast jobs with little editing, anxiety, and usually drama between parent and child.
The answer is frontloading with the metrics mentioned above.
Coach Bill can help establish a system that is easy, and practical for parents to manage.
All this fosters great life skills and supports healthier home dynamics between family members.
Executive Function Skills Used in this practice system are:
foresight (anticipate/ predict), focus, sustain attention, short and long term planning ahead, time management awareness, sequencing, pace, task initiation and task execution, emotional control, impulse control, mental flexibility (ability to transition & shift),self-monitor, behavior modulation, goal-directed persistence, and study skill tools (argued to be an EF skill).