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Showing posts from March, 2014

Protecting the Family Strengthens the Nation

"Destroy the family, you destroy the country." Vladimir Lenin What makes nations flourish is the strengthening and empowerment of its families. What makes nations implode (aside from another country invading) are the devaluing and breakdown of the family. Like a greenhouse garden that must be tended daily, the non-material wealth of your family has to also. Actions speak louder than words, yet thoughts can lead to action. Consider the following thoughts and suggestions for spending quality time with your family that you allow to be enjoyable to you also. To drum up non-material wealth: spend time reading 3-4 short stories to your kids every single night. make up a story to teach your kids something you deem important. Don't be so obvious. For example, I like to create conversation, turn taking stories where characters in my plot discuss,  chit chat, have tea, fly on the occasional imaginary helicopter, save the princess, and fly on the whi...

You Bring Your Common Core Standard Thinking... I'll bring my A-GAME!

Throughout the United States of America, as far as any school goes, the number one cause of systemic school and student failure is by far the gross lack of direct executive function skill development.  In addition, the ingrained and harvested culture of a 'top-down' merit system leads to teacher discouragement and eventually, a significant continuous brain drain of great Educators, as well as a stifling of presently-employed public school teacher innovation. In fact, many Educators either leave the profession or are  increasingly opting to teach students directly, rather than through the confines of a school's educational policy. I believe that the educational policy culture and mindset that lets Educator AND student innovation thrive is  the one that will offer up the leaders of tomorrow. The traits, hidden talents and flare in human beings cannot flourish in an educational model that values common  standards, over innovation, creativity, and experimentation....

Building up the Family & Non-Material Wealth Tones #ExecutiveFunctionSkills

What is the value of your family's non-material wealth? Does this wealth counteract negative forces placed upon family members? Can it regulate mindsets, instill the right attitude, and give children a feeling of security, love, and sense of belonging?  How can a family grow this kind of wealth? What are the parameters needed to grow, mold and shape the life of the family in order to have non-material, family wealth flowing in on a weekly basis? Since this is an entrepreneurial venture, what are the metrics by which to monitor progress? How does having this kind of wealth benefit the individuals in the family? Is this kind of wealth underrated and a foundational influence on the present American social paradigm? Can harvesting this special wealth on a national level lead to immediate changes in the educational and socio-economic fabric of America? It is my intention to delve into answers for these questions and sustain the focus upon the idea that a strong family based on ...

The Value of Metrics in Developing Your Home #ExecutiveFunction SkillsProgram

A professional mandate pivotal to my work as an Executive Function Skills Coach which I have inherited from my educational background as a Special Educator, is the need to make any method, practice, and instructional approach I teach easy to follow. If I am to be effective in the transfer of my instructional execution and knowledge base to a parent, child, adolescent, or young adult I must make it practical, and easy to use. Otherwise, I would be spinning my wheels in the mud. In order to sharpen and tone one's executive function skills the mode of production needs to be engaging, novel, fun, and be done repetitively. That is a tall order. How can you make something fun and novel, when you have to do it again and again, year after year? How can you find practical activities, tools, and strategies that directly buttress the strengthening of these skills, which are housed in your frontal lobe? This would entail a seismic shift within. Outlooks or mindsets would have t...

Dancing: The 800 LB Gorilla Executive Function Skills Tool

Dancing is underrated as an executive function skills tool, and is a cornerstone EF booster in the life of anybody. I have danced much of my life and introduce it as a pivotal part of my executive function skills coaching, when applicable. I see what it has done for me in my life and in the life of my sisters. I have photographic memories of both my parents dancing throughout my childhood as well as memories of extended family, including grandparents dancing. This ingrained in me as a routine lifestyle activity and I became, and am accustomed to freely dancing without feeling bashful, or 'less than' for attempting to dance. What kind of family dynamic would begin to show if dancing was valued over television and movies as a way to bring family together? How does this happen? What does this look like? Well, parents have to make the first moves with each other to set the tone. Do you need an excuse to dance for 2 minutes in your own home with your husband or wife? How...

Initial #ExecutiveFunction Skill Parent-Inspection Metrics Sheet

                                                                   Initial Executive Function Skills   Parent-Inspection Metrics Sheet                                                                                     A Standard pathway to reinforce Planning Ahead                              w/ Time Management Tools & Strategies by @CoachBill007      Metric #1  If a 'to do list' with the EF parameters is expected today, then let's see it! the list must have all EF parameter...