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Showing posts from January, 2014

Initial response from U.S Dept. of Ed to Coach Bill's Executive Function Common Core Addendum

Dear Readers, Here is where we are at with getting the executive function skill addendum approved! We are moving forward! So far, we landed in the Office of Communications and Outreach for the U.S. Department of Education. Without layover we immediately moved on to another desk within the department! This means SOMETHING is happening. Some consideration is being made! Below is a picture of me waiting for a response. Please bear in mind  that I am patiently waiting:) ............................................. Dear  William Stowel-Alonso:   Thank you for your  letter  to Secretary of Education Arne  Duncan which has been forwarded to the Office of Communication and Outreach  for a response .   We  thank you for  your comments regarding Common Core Standards .  Thank you for contacting the U.S Department of Education  w e wish well in all your future endeavors.   Sincerely     Vanessa McKinney Information Resourc...

Common Core Standards & the Missing Executive Function Skills Link to Success

I have read the Common Core Standards found on the website CoreStandards.Org, and would like to offer some constructive feedback to United States Secretary of Education Arne Duncan. Dear Sir and United States Secretary of Education Mr. Arne Duncan, How are you Sir? I hope you and your family were able to get a modicum of rest and relaxation over the holidays. My family and I did, but now it is back to work time. Dear Secretary, I have reviewed the Common Core Standards by which you are putting your full backing at this present moment. I know full well that you are a busy man, so I do appreciate the time, if any, that you may have set aside to reading my note to you regarding the current existent format of benchmark parameters for mathematics, reading and writing. Like a potter that shapes the clay, I say that we don't have to do away with the clay but perhaps add some water and impress some key contours into the clay.   Their is a major benchmark which can guarantee success in your...