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Showing posts from November, 2013

Almost all Vaccines made in China w/ No Supervision

Coach Bill's word play on above picture of a Foxcon vaccine worker in China. "Yes, I make vaccines for the US. I get paid crap, I hate my job. I come to work sick because I will get fired if I don't. Don't get all uppity on clean vaccines. I can't even put enough food in the fridge. Wait! I don't have a fridge." The Center for Disease Control posts on its website that vaccines have formaldehyde, mercury (thimerasol), barium, strontium, cancer adyuvants, aluminum metal. In addition, sometimes vaccine makers include dead cellullar material from other dead aborted humans. This is publicly available information that is easily found by multiple credible sources, such as Dr. Russell Blaylock, Gary Null, Dr. Joseph Mercola, as well as United States court records whereby courts have ruled almost 100 times over and over again that vaccines have lead to autism. China makes almost all vaccines in the world. Vaccine Inspectors are never allowed to en...

Strategy Overview for Empowering child/ adult-child w/ Asperger's

As many parents, teachers and coaches may already know, when it comes to getting new 'policies' accepted and integrated by a child/ adolescent/ young adult, it is important to note that it may be easier to have America embrace 'Obamacare,' with all its bells and whistles. To paint a picture, imagine that your child with identified Asperger's, a form of high-functioning autism, is the president of the country and he has veto power that is continuously exercised each time congress (parents/ teachers/ coaches) tries to pass a 'bill.' These 'bills' may be new activities, classes, tools, strategies, or anything that entails using mental flexibility and spoonfuls of social skill exercising. Your son has veto power by not going along with your suggestions, by dismissing parental attempts to get them out into the community, and by putting up a strong defensive posture which can be displayed in their demeanor, almost 24 hours a day. Though it is impor...

The Importance of Downtime

It has been said that America's business is 'busy-ness.' I think that is true, generally speaking. Work is essential for life to be sustained. Bills need to be paid as our president has pointed out, and food needs to be put on the table. Likewise, financial security that can take care of us in the hard times, or in our 'old age,' is an important goal in America. Sometimes though, it seems that we get too caught up in our work and monetary goals and we forget what we are doing it all for.  The stress and pressure of 'getting ahead,' can be daunting, and cynically take away opportunities to rest and unwind. Moreover, our own kids learn our ways by default. Work is good for the mind, but rest is the other side of this equation that is supposed to render a 'balanced life.' Remember that saying, "all work and no play makes Joe a dull boy?" For example, do you do your best work when you are annoyed and irritated, or  when you are calm, and ...

#ExecutiveFunction Skills, #FinancialLiteracy & Physical Health in #America

  As an advocate for the executive function skills health of American children & adults ,  I am continously amazed by the wrong direction we are headed on two relevant fronts: ā€¢ national public school educational policy to educate the present, and upcoming generations of our nation's children,  ā€¢ and the effects of environmental toxicity on the development and long-term health of our brains. In a macro perspective, with such bright minds in our country, it is a marvel that states do not immediately make moves to strengthen and protect the American brain trust, our children, in these key areas of: ā€¢ executive function skills development ā€¢ financial literacy ā€¢ physical health That is to say, a person operates optimally when they have effective self-management systems that take into account all aspects of the person, is raised to in a scholastic culture that emphasizes financial self-reliance, and is able to live a life free of harmful...