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Showing posts from September, 2013

No Mind Left Behind: Protecting our Kids in Age of Toxicity

"During every minute of the nine months of pregnancy, the brain gains a quarter of a million cells. The brain is hardwired to produce a staggering total of around 100 billion neurons and a trillion glial cells, which provide all the necessary support and protection. This will lead to a multi trillion network of connections capable of performing 20 million billion calculations per second." - Adam Cox No Mind Left Behind:Understanding and Fostering Executive Function Control Truly, truly, it is a marveous thing to behold. The built-in complexity of the brain and mind follows an intelligently-designed blueprint that will always exceed that of even the smartest, most versatile computer. This would not be  due to intellectual smarts, or experiental knowledge, but for the human beings ability to shift into genuine, heart felt expression, love, such as a Mother or Father has for their child. Self-less, altruistic love that seeks no payback, with no hidden motive.   Some m...

Toxic onslaught on our Neurological Health & Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.

In this day and age, the average human being is subject to a daily onslaught of toxicity before even coming to existence in the womb. Both sperm and egg of the Mother and Father have been subjected to a life of daily toxic onslaught so that by the time conception occurs there is considerable degradement of the human being. This includes damage to parental DNA from vaccines, flouride in our water and food, air pollution from ChemTrails, or chemicals openly dumped into air (aluminum, barium, strotium). Moreover, the prenatal vaccine schedule as determined by the U.S. Government unfortunately introduces aluminum, barium, strontium, formaldehyde, and mercury into the Mother and the human being in her womb in a repetitive manner from the womb all the way through adulthood till death. That is not healthy. Each vaccine introduces substances that are cancerous, and rapidly begin destroying neurological health in dramatic ways. The Center for Disease Control has posted these vaccine pre...