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Showing posts from August, 2013

A Setback is a Setup for a Comeback

Recently, my wife balked at me for always being so calm, even in the face of what should be stressful circumstances. Naturally, I took this as a compliment. But I began to wonder if maybe I was skirting aloofness, thus not grasping the immediacy of certain realities. Thinking back to the origins of my 'calmness,' images of me being submerged under pounding waves in Haleiwa, Hawaii, or in Puerto Rico, I realized that sometimes life delivers me blows and setbacks.  Life is full of setbacks, it's how I deal with them that makes the difference. I recall 10-12 foot waves not only pummeling my body, but dragging me across sharp reefs, forcing water into my mouth, and covering me in darkness and uncertainty for what seems like an eternity. Tired, scared, and literally fighting for my life, I know enough from experience, that I need to follow my well-trodden protocol to not fight the wave in a physical sense, but to almost let it have its way with me. I must be calm, conserv...

Exercise your Metacognitve Approach: The Planting, Tending, & Harvesting of Mindsets

One's executive function skills are located in the prefrontal lobe (your forehead area), and are responsible for the manipulation, orchestration, and self-management of one self, in a goal directed manner. Commonly referred to as the brains CEO, it is responsible for a host of skills that range from the ability to focus and sustain attention, to exercising self-control, or using your foresight to anticipate and predict outcomes. As a Special Educator and an Executive Function Skills Coach, it behooves me to introduce strategies, activities, and tools that are accepted by my students, and readily integrated into their daily life with the support of their parent(s).  Regardless of what their diagnosis is, I divorce my thought processes from any label that may have been placed on a child or adolescent.  I do not work with ADHD kids, or EF skill deficit kids, likewise, I do not work with autistic kids. I hope I never do. I do work with kids who have been diagnosed with ...

The American Carnival: Our Profit Culture's Tax on our Health

Sadly, just as if it were straight out of a Tim Burton movie, our American profit-driven culture is myopic on the balance of money profits and the very health of its citizenry.  Their are various examples that can be easily used to illustrate this point quite clearly: 1. Big Pharma answers to Wall Street which determines each companies stock price, to a great extent. New drugs need to be constantly pumped into the market in order to not have a dead stock, or a stock that is not rising.  Thus, an american landscape chock full of people with health issues is a bonanza to Big Pharma. Creating drugs that treat the symptoms rather than the cause is a great way to keep selling the same thing..over and over again! 2. Autism: Vaccines are a money-making industry. That is a fact. Billions of dollars are raked in by big pharmaceutical companies, who are constantly creating new vaccines, or new 'metal to your brain' vehicles under the banner that they are saving the world...