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Showing posts from December, 2012

How Not To Be a Bully-Target By Using Executive Functions Skills

Do not dwell in the past, do not dream of the future, concentrate the mind on the present moment. Buddha The decisions you make every moment tend to lead to action and non-action. Regardless, of what decisions or choices you are typically known to make. Regardless of how long you have done things a certain way, it is possible to come to terms with the understanding that right here, right now, you are free to make different decisions, thereby possibly embarking on the new you? Are you feeling like a victim? Maybe you are. I am not here to talk about why you may/ may not be a victim. Maybe you are being teased, bullied, slandered. Maybe your being shunned, excluded, purposefully unappreciated. That can definitely get anyone 'down,' and feeling kind of 'dark gray.' If you are such a person, or if you are the parent, older family member, or teacher,  of someone in this situation, please experiment with these guidelines. Make a daily goals checklist identi...

Executive Functions Skills Showcase: Refining our Self-Monitoring Skill

"The heart of the wise teaches his mouth, and adds learning to his lips." If you want to increase your ability to self-monitor yourself, muscle-up all your self-control, and will power and practice being still. Still in your body, still in your mind. Do this for 5 minutes in the morning before you start your day. Follow your slow, long, deep breath. This is basic meditation. It is scientifically proven to dramatically enhance your executive functions skill, IF you meditate consistently over months. Being still is hard. WE ARE ALL WIRED to move in this day and age. But this is not a blog posting about why I want you to be still, or how great the world would be if more of us would be still, less we become like France (haha). This posting is to disect this EF skill, give you some tools/ applications on strengthening this skill, and some very quotable quotes worth qouting. To self-monitor, from an executive functions skills development context, means to use a 'stan...

The Nurturing Effect: How I blew the hinges off the door!

Early on in my career I was clear that the effective Teacher is not the one with the greatest knowledge-base, but he or she who not only teaches content, but teaches the kids how to refine their emotional intelligence. I am a great believer in the psychoeducational approach to teaching. Namely, the power of a caring, nurturing relationship. Although certain key processes need to be in place for an effective feedback loop to occur, I have experienced countless successful learning outcomes due to this pivotal part to my own pedagogy. There is something about relating, connecting, and bringing emotion that more times than not, is the very oil I use to keep the students I work with progressing. The caring, nurturing concept to Teaching was recently polished off by National Educator Nel Noddings over the last decade. No one reinvented the wheel here, but Mrs. Noddings put some important spokes front and center. They are integrated into the live vision of Life Skills Corp.

Executive Functions Skills Development

 Is your child a bit rigid about certain academic responsibilities? Being that the older we get the more 'set in our ways' we become, doing early executive function skills intervention is an action which your child will thank you for down the line. If a student were given the opportunity to avoid  years of frustration, anxiety, and tension simply by integrating a set of customized systems and principles would he/ she  appreciate it later on? How would an early executive functions skills intervention by Mom and Dad benefit the family dynamic for years to come? Can it help them manage their time, emotions, plan, and think before they act and respond? How can an Executive Functions Skills Coach help my child? When can I see results? How do I know I have a high-quality Coach? If you are facing these questions and would like to schedule a consultation, contact me and send me an email.Home/ community visits & video chat.