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Showing posts from February, 2012

The Right to a Fair Education. Rocking the Boat: Throwing outComplacency and Bad Apples

Connecticut Governor Dan Malloy recently got some heat from Teacher Union leaders about his 163 page solution to revamp the educational system in this state. Getting heat for this is a given! Just imagine, Union leaders will reflex immediately. Their job depends on it. They oversee an army of professionals whom rely on the protection of a union. Unions are important, and they take care of Education professionals. Without them, school districts would be able to do as they please pretty much. Job security would be a tenuous affair. The problem today is that Connecticut public school systems, particularly those in low-income communities are failing to equip the students to go on to college with the necessary skills. Many, not all, kids have minimum paper writing skills, their math skills are dismal, and their own idea of what the future holds for them is skewed. Things look bleak for them. For many African-American children, for example, feelings that the bus has left the station...

The Right to a 'Fair' Education: Rocking the Boat, series 1 of 4

An exceptional learner is basically any learner who has a special gift, talent, and/ or a disability, thus requiring specialized educational services, as well as related professional services. In local parlance then, in order to receive a fair education, a learner's profile must be understood by his or her Educators, and related service professionals. The degree to which the Educator or professional knows the learner, will, to a great degree, generate educational programs which are more finely customized, and tailored to the learner. This process of knowing the learner is key to a overall successful outcome for both the Educator, professional, learner, and parent. In the state of Connecticut though, many parents are coming forward with some grievances. I see them on the local news channel more and more. Lawsuits are gearing up, and momentum is really racheting up. Racheting up like a wave that is beginning to break on the shore. These parents are frustrated, they are worried, an...