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Showing posts from June, 2011

A broken and a contrite heart..

Like a mountain buffeted by the elements Like a rock broken into grains of sand I am become like a vessel of clay that is being reshaped Like a tree that loosens its leaves in Autumn Appearing to wither, yet in a process of renewal Initiated by not myself Have I asked for this process? Has the LORD taken me by the hand? No longer wanting to trust in my own power, But in a strong foundation that cannot be moved A strong Fortress, a High Tower, A shield from the ambitions & desires of this world Though the sea may sweep over me, and my tears form rivers, I have been given faith to endure I have been broken My spirit has become contrite My heart hopes in Him For more, go to http://www.CoachBill.US Twitter.Com @CoachBill007 Instagram: CoachBill007 Youtube: CoachBill007