One Nation Under Ideology: Thinking Critically and Independently is The Way / #thisAmericanQuilt #TeamUSA #socialresponsibility #positivedisruption

After the election, it became increasingly evident that the news media, the entertainment industry and the administrations of the social media platforms we enjoy were brazenly leftist in ideological social values and openly campaigning for a coupe of the incoming presidential administration. They call it the ‘resistance.’ Many celebrity faces called for the assassination of the President Trump and issued a general call to obstruct, misinform and counter the governance of the president and openly target his supporters through indirect means of thought influence and sometimes quite directly through violent and intolerant action as shown to be by the social democratic group known as ‘Antifa,’ short for anti-fascists. 

It is apparent that established American news media is overwhelmingly leftist in ideology and this puts forth the question of how they are respecting the American populace at large. Is it not a tenant of journalism to put forth the ‘news’ in an objective manner? Do we not want a nation of independent, critically-thinking people who can make rational decisions and think for themselves? It seems to be that an operating mechanism of the leftist news media is to disallow independent, critical thinking, but to report the news in such a tone and manner as to promote one ideology and narrative over another. I do not believe this can be changed. We cannot change people, unless we raise them up from infancy thinking a certain way. So it is that a battle of ideas on what American life should be like is the hot, constant battle of the day to those who are awakened and see this as the ‘ball game.’ Most people, it would seem though, are indoctrinated though our education systems, our news media, our entertainment industry and increasingly, our social-media internet platforms which do censor speech and ideas that run counter to their progressive, social values. In effect, the battle of ideas is hard to reach because we must first break through the indoctrination that we were raised into, in order to become independent, critical thinkers who can see issues fairly and in a balanced perspective. Hence, we must fight to get to the fight.

It is not possible to bring all segments of the country together simply because some do not wish to come together, but to resist, subvert and negatively disrupt the democratic process of ruling ideas through any means necessary, even trickery and mean-spiritedness. Thus, rather than naively seek to unite a progressive, socialist agenda with a parental government that knows best at the helm, with a capitalistic, limited government regulation vision, I question if America can move forward. Do we not have a tremendously slowed-down governing momentum, debilitated through opposing ideological agendas? Is there a middle, straight path or a zig-zagging centrist path that upholds conservative and social-democrat values alike, such as:

  1. right to life from conception
  2. stringent individual freedom above the power of government
  3. welfare for those in real need
  4. public school access
  5. nation-wide health care coverage
  6. environmental care-taking
  7. citizenship path for productive immigrants, while still building a border wall to control flow of immigration

  1. What would a centrist path between these two look like, and is it possible for congress to make decisions without varied industry lobbyists impacting the legislative process?
  2. How important is the progressive, social-democrat platform of depopulation? Would it agree to a non-eugenics nation ideology? 
  3. Can republicans side-step the global warming ‘science’ and simply work to enact real environmental protections, good for the earth, yet not bad for business? For example, outlawing plastic, which ends up in the oceans and landfills.
  4. On individual freedom and liberty: Why should Americans be subject to the power of state governments on vaccinations when judicial courts and scientific findings have clearly shown that carcinogenic ingredients in these formulations cause a continuum of neurological and bodily injury?
  5. Our public school systems clearly teach a leftist ideology that is continued on in universities. How does this cultivate independent, critical thinkers as opposed to indoctrinating people into one ideology over another? This is serious and it is how culture is crafted and decision-making power is wielded on the local, national and ultimately global-level.
  6. Regarding the health care industry, it is well-documented that hospitals can charge exorbitant amounts of money for procedures, upwards of fifty and one hundred thousand dollars for medical work that can be done in less than two hours. In the search for ‘better health care,’ why is it left to congressional leaders to create the language for our bill of rights when they themselves are targeted by health care industry lobbyists who represent an industry that may directly fund their political campaigns? Is this not a conflict of interest? How does this possibility influence the legislative process? Does it water it down and undermine the goal and the service to the people of the country?
  7. On immigration: It is not in the best interest of the United States of America to take every immigrant who wants to live here. It places a strain on our system to care for the services these people use directly and indirectly, such as our public schools, our public works and our jobs. Even so, we are a nation of immigrants and immigration is a constant facet of our country. It is obvious to the well-informed mind that a political party which advertises for increased immigration is indirectly offering these immigrants political clout in exchange for their voting loyalty in time to come. Consider the growth of the population of fifteen million latin americans who have crossed the southern border over the last twenty years: who will they vote for and to which political party will their children give allegiance to? Is this not a way to create an instant voting bloc in years to come? How does rapid immigration in the big numbers we have experienced over the last twenty years help safeguard the conservative values of our nation? The assimilation of immigrants into the American way of life can be overrun in such instances and become a real threat when inundated quickly by people who bring over their own culture and do not share our bedrock values or know our history. 

Sometimes it is in asking the right questions, rather than providing the right answers that we best move forward. In framing our local and national conversation with a desire to remain objective, sincere and truthful, we show respect to one another beyond our ideological social values. This thought is underpinned by the golden rule, which is a founding principle in the United States of America; we do unto others as we would have them do unto us. To that end, seeking to persuade the reader to think ‘my way’ is not important. Seeking to persuade the reader to think critically and independently about what this battle of ideas is about, how you get to the battle and how to function as a productive, respectful, yet awakened, powerful citizen is central to my goal. America is being pulled in two opposing directions and their are organizations and entities (individuals) who do not play by the rules and do not respect the democratic process. These people and/ or groups may have their own special interests, may work for hire in order to create negative disruption and may even be working towards a weakening of the countries principles through subterfuge and a control of information. All this makes it so much more pertinent to be critical and independent, to think for yourself and operate as a citizen who does not simply go with a pack’s group think, but is brave enough to take a stance outside of it and do the right thing. 
