Growthhack #SelfExpression~Teaching from a Different Perspective

Flash Street parties don't happen all the time... but they could.

Meditation is older than the invention of sliced bread... okay way older than that.

Both are as old as time itself.

I want to bring them together in a series of free events, and am seeking the shoulder-to-shoulder collaboration of others. This can be done. This can and should be bigger than me and you. It is for them.

I am one of the leading private Special Educators in the world and I seek to disrupt how we go about teaching. This means outflanking impractical methods (not people), stripping down instruction and focusing on motivating students, equating learning with fun, and getting a strenuous cognitive workout all at the same time. 

Disrupting a market or industry means starting at the very bottom and persistently working one's way or one's product to the top of the market. One can still be a gentleman or  lady and be disruptive in this sense.  

No Muscle grows unless you break and shatter it.

 The idea that self-expression can be a motivating, fun factor for students to learn is a golden nugget idea. Like an engineer, school staff can experiment with a mindset or outlook that seeks to organize teaching in terms of the student learning via forms of self-expression.

A science class can simultaneously exercise dozens of executive function skills and employ cross-hemispheric brain connectivity on a grand scale by singing and playing music to the content that has to be learned. Repeating content to oneself out loud is a study skill tool also.  A History or Social Studies teacher can mashup with an English teacher and guide students to write a short, practical play, or a long, detailed masterpiece that is staged in the auditorium. We all love to role-play, especially as kids. This allows us to entertain different perspectives, which is a challenge to most of us, and commonly downright hard for a person on the autism spectrum.

The Bottom Line...

We can meditate to accrue deep peace while catapulting our executive function and hemispheric skills past the moon. We can dance our happiness, our joy, our praise, we dance to let loose, to reclaim ourselves, to thaw, to break down, to build up, to communicate and of course, to connect with another. 

Can we give this gift to a child on the autism spectrum? Can a child deemed 'non-verbal' and with poor motor skills turn into a free styling force of self-expression? 

How does it change one?

Kids and adults on the autism spectrum, wether they be low or very high-functioning can reap incredible dividends from integrating meditation and dancing into their daily life.  I also understand that parents have a lot on their plate and dancing and meditation as a daily lifestyle may not catch on on a consistent basis. Parents have to approach this scientifically and recognize the values and benefits of these two activities, but they also need Coach Bill MA SpEd to show them some ideas as to just what he is talking 'bout.

I  will role model and push myself past breaking point as a Special Educator to show you what I mean. 

We have to be positive forces of nature for our children, but we can't be that unless we ourselves transform also. 
