Coach Bill's Autism Parent Empowerment Proposal to All U.S. Mayors & Administrators

Dear City Hall Mayor or Representative,

I have leading-edge interventions for children and adults suffering from autism that will significantly improve their quality of life. My interventions focus primarily on the development of executive function skills in individual and family members who need to provide and guide family members in support of these services. 

I would like to provide these interventions to individuals referred by you at a minimal cost of $35.00 for non-housed visits, and $50.00 for home visits. I would like to offer a $5.00 donation for any referral you can provide. I would also need minimal office space to conduct non-residential services to the individuals.

Namely, the program is a three step plan that I currently operate on a 1:1 basis with great success already.

Number one: I perform a laser-focused executive function skills evaluation based on the observations, needs, and concerns of a parent, a caregiver, or an educator, as well as face to face observation.

Number two: I use this as a platform to tailor a customized, parent-home executive function skills program that is easy for the parent, caregiver, educator to administrate in their home.

Number three: I include two follow-up video chats of 30 minutes each in order to provide guidance and maintenance.

My plan is to come quarterly to Puerto Rico, or as often as the situation dictates or as required.
My standard rate for 1:1 coaching is $125.00/ hour. My standard rate for 1:1 video chat is $50/hour. So, I am offering deeply discounted rates. I am willing to work with any insurance or government agency to defray the costs for clients. Identification of these entities would be appreciated.

I know I can make a difference in their lives.


William Stowell-Alonso, MA
