The student profile sheet

The purpose of such a sheet is to empower the student to know how they best learn and take in information, as well facilitate better, more customized, instructional delivery. Below are some criteria to help you put together your own sheet. This sheet can be given to Educators, as well as all whom instruct the learner.

You can do this with paper and pencil, or to make it look more visually appealing, and allow for better document editing later on, I suggest using a software program like Inspiration, or a software program that allows you to comparmentalize/ graphically organize your different criteria.

Criteria 1: Jot down general likes and dislikes
  1. musical preference
  2. extracurricular activities
  3. academic subjects
  4. miscellaneous
Criteria 2: Jot down short and long term goals
  1. Who do I want to be when I grow up? 
  2. Discuss with a parent/ mentor why you want to do this?
  3. What are your short term goals for the next 3-4 months? 
Criteria 3: Google left/ right brain hemispheric characteristics with and adult, print out the hemisphere sheet, and scroll across different traits. 
  1. Jot down the right and left hemisphere traits that are your strengths.
  2. Jot down the traits that are deficits, or not so strong.
Criteria 4: Google executive function skills words. There are about 25 known skills. You will probably find no more than ten skills. Jot those down, and with the help of a parent, or trusting, objective person, talk about each of these.
  1. Which are strengths?
  2. Which are deficits, or need improvement?
Some major skills to get you started are: focus, sustain attention, working memory, organization, starting and ending a task, goal-directed persistence, time management, pace, prioritize, self-control, self-regulation, foresight, impulse control and self-monitor.

Criteria 5: Learning style
  1. How do you learn best? How do you best take in information?
  2. Are you a combination of visual/ auditory?
  3. Are you a tactile/ kinesthetic combination learner?
  4. Do you study alone best?
  5. Do you need to read aloud to yourself? Record your voice, then playback?

All this info should fit in one sheet, or else it is not very practical.  With this student profile sheet you will help others best help you, or become more aware of how you 'tick-tock.'

For more information, or for a consult on how to bring about rapid personal development, please email Coach Bill at

Consults can be in person, or via video chat.:)

Next time: How do we muster our mojo to get the right perspective and attitude to learn something new? What do we do when the mojo is gone? How do we get re-motivated?
